Library Subject Guides

Classics: Sport and Leisure

Chariot Racing
mid 6th century BCE
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Gymnasium Scene, ca 490 BCE
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Banquet Scene with Aulos Player, ca 490 BCE
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Roman Girls Playing
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Roman Circus Charioteer
Mosaic, 3rd century CE
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  • Note that the Library Catalogue does not use abbreviated book titles. If your reading list uses abbreviation like CAH, you will need to type "Cambridge Ancient History" in full.
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  • Browse the library shelves in the classification sequences for Sport and Leisure.

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  • Sometimes the titles of journals in lists of Classics references have been abbreviated, making them hard to find on the Library catalogue. Here is a list of abbreviations along with the full titles that should be used in the Library catalogue.

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Sport and Leisure

DF 78 Ancient Greece: Culture, Special aspects (including social life, daily life, leisure)Central Library, Level 10
DG 78 Rome: Culture, Special aspects (including social life, daily life, leisure)Central Library, Level 10
GV 17–38 Recreation and leisure in the Ancient worldCentral Library, Level 9
GV 21–24    Greek
GV 23       Olympic games (Ancient)
GV 31–35    Roman
GV 213 Physical education and training in the Ancient worldCentral Library, Level 9
GV 573 Sports in the Ancient worldCentral Library, Level 9
GV 1607–1613 Dance in the Ancient world – Central Library, Level 9

Sport and Leisure