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Library Subject Guides

Psychology: Tests & Measures

UC Library Guide for Psychology

  Psychology - Tests & Measures

Psychological tests are not held in the University Library.  The Library does hold a number of resources containing information about tests, these are outlined on this page.  

If you wish to obtain a psychological test, please contact:

Test Library in the Psychology Department

  Web Sites

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements

Educational Testing Service

APA Tests Site

Google Scholar Can be used to find articles on a particular measure, though searches can retrieve a large set of results and it's difficult to identify the most relevant ones.

  Books in the Library

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
Mental Measurements Yearbook provides reviews and other information about testing instruments. Tests in Print is a bibliography of commercially available tests that are currently in print.

Handbook of Psychiatric Measures
Includes a CD with approx. 150 reprints of psychological tests.

Personality tests and reviews
Bibliography of 513 personality tests. Includes test information, article references and reviews.

A compendium of neuropsychological tests: administration, norms and commentary

Finding Other Books

Search the Library Catalogue to find other books about psychological tests and testing. Try some of the following subject headings.

General information on tests and testing:
Achievement tests
Behavioral assessment
Educational tests and measurements
Neuropsychological tests
Personality assessment
Psychological tests

Testing a characteristic or trait, e.g.
Ability testing
Anxiety testing
Attitude testing
Intelligence tests
Memory testing
Personality tests
Reasoning testing
Social interaction testing
Social skills testing

  Journal Articles & books

Search a database to find articles that review psychological tests. Try:

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Contains MMY series in electronic form. Includes information about tests including, personality, psychology, etc. Tests in Print includes information about all commercially available English language tests: publisher, intended population, test administration, etc. 

PsycINFO (Psychology) can limit search to 'test and measures' however results might not specifically focus on the measure

Education Research Complete can be searched for education tests

To search for a test, use the name or acronym of the test (e.g. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test).

Use PsycINFO to find journal articles about tests or scales.  To search for this type of information, use the terms “test*” or “measure*” or scale* in your search in addition to other search keywords which describe the type of test you wish to find, e.g

Handbooks can also be a useful source of information about measures. For example, the Handbook of Depression has information about different measures of depression, or the Handbook of Preschool Mental Health: Development, Disorders, and Treatment which has information about measures used with very young children. Find handbooks by searching the Library catalogue using combinations of keywords: psychology or mental with handbooks, manuals.

Contact me for help

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Margaret Paterson

NOTE: Appointments are available via Zoom or in-person in Central Library. Email me with any questions relating to Psychology, Speech and Hearing, or Health Sciences.

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Subjects: Health, Science