Māori Land: a guide to government publications and other sources in the University of Canterbury Library.
This guide has been written primarily to aid the researcher looking for information on Māori land that is found in government publications and primary resources in the University of Canterbury Library.
The guide does not cover the Waitangi Tribunal, environmental issues or the Resource Management Act.
Library staff are happy to help you with your research.
Jones, Carwyn
New treaty, new tradition: reconciling New Zealand and Māori law
Vancouver, Toronto, UBC Press, 2016
O'Malley, Vincent
Agents of autonomy : Maori committees in the nineteenth century
Wellington, N.Z. : Huia, 1998.
Macmillan Brown Library Aotearoa Room DU 412.5 .G6 .O54 1998
Stokes, Evelyn.
Maori customary tenure of land
Hamilton, N.Z. : Dept. of Geography, University of Waikato, 1997.
Boast, Richard.
Māori land law
Wellington [N.Z.] : Butterworths, 1999.
The Native Land Court 1862-1887: a historical study, cases and commentary
Wellington [N.Z.] : Brookers Ltd, 2013.
Kawharu, I. H.
Maori land tenure : studies of a changing institution
Oxford [Eng.] ; Clarendon Press, 1977.
National Archives of New Zealand.
Raupatu Document Bank.
[Wellington, N.Z : Waitangi Tribunal, 1989-1990]
Māori Land Court Minute Books
The Māori Land Court minute books, 1862-1900, are a record of the hearings and evidence given to establish the Native Land Court titles across New Zealand. They include whakapapa and records of land use and occupation by iwi and hapu and are a unique archive for Māori researchers. The original Minute Books are held in Wellington at Archives New Zealand. UC Libraries are fortunate to have a full copy of the Minute Books, which researchers can access.
Search the index of Māori Land Court Minute Books Once you have found the name of the Minute Book and pages you want to look at, you can ask UC Library staff to help you view the print editions of the Minute Books held at UC's Macmillan Brown Library. (The Minute Books are held in a separate building, so please allow a day for library staff to retrieve them for you.)
This Guide to Abbreviations used in the Māori Land Court Minute Books may also be useful in helping researchers interpret the hand-written, 19th century texts.