Research materials into Te Ao Māori can be found in Macmillan Brown Library. We use the Library of Congress classification system for arrangement.
Every item in the Library has a unique call number which can be found by using the Library Catalogue.
Books which are in high demand for particular courses are held on Restricted Loan. To see the list for your course, type the course code into the Course code search in the Library Catalogue, eg MAOR114
DU 412 | Māori (General) |
DU 412.5 | Māori (particular topics) |
DU 412.5 .A35 | Agriculture |
DU 412.5 .B6 | Waka-Canoe |
DU 412.5 .G6 | Government relations |
DU 412.5 .P66 | Population |
DU 412.7 | Individual tribes |
DU 417-436 | Māori (History) |
DU 417-418 | General New Zealand history to 1840 |
DU 418.2 | Treaty of Waitangi |
DU 420 | General New Zealand history 1840-1900 |
DU 421 | Māori wars |
DU 425 | General New Zealand history 1900 on |
DU 436 | Provincial histories |
GR 375 | Māori Mythology |
PL 6465 | Māori Language |
Many other areas of the classification system are used for books which
are about Māori in contemporary society. The classification letter
chosen reflects the subject focus. Here are some examples:
HC | Economics |
HD 1120 | Land issues |
HD 1265 | Land law |
HF | Business |
HQ | Women's issues |
K | Legal issues |
LC 3501 | Education |
M | Music |
N 7406 | Art |
RA | Health |