The Oxford companion to Australian literature / William H. Wilde, Joy Hooton, Barry Andrews. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1994.
Central Library, Level 4, PR 9402 .W672 1994
The Oxford Literary history of Australia /ed. Bruce Bennett and Jennifer Strauss. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 1998.
Central Library, Level 4, PR 9401 . O985
Places literary texts in the context of Australian history and culture. Five major parts are: to 1850, 1851-1914, 1914-1939, 1940-1965, and 1965 onwards. Includes a guide to reference material, chronology, and index.
Companion to theatre in Australia / ed. Philip Parsons. Sydney : Currency Press in association with Cambridge University Press, c1995.
Central Library, Level 4, PN 3011 .C737
Oxford Reference Online
Offers simultaneous searching of a number of reference books, including:
These books give biographical information on the author, list all his/her works, provide excepts of criticism and suggest books for further study.
A reader's guide to Australian fiction / Laurie Clancy.
Central Library, Level 4, PR 9402 .C587
Article on each author descirbing and discussing his/her works. Date range is Henry Savery (b.1791) to Tim Winton (b.1960).
Browse the shelves at the Central Library, Level 4, PR 9400, or search the Library Catalogue (Subject Keywords unless otherwise indicated).
Bibliographies list the all the known books, chapters in books and journal articles about a writer and his /her works. There are also bibliographies which cover particular topics. For multi-author bibliographies, use australian -- literature -- bibliography.
Resource for Australian
Literature. Useful for identifying authors and titles.
Australian Literature on the
Gateway site by the National Library of Australia
Literary and Historical Texts
A collection of 300 texts provided by the
University of Sydney Library. Search keyword, or browse alphabetically by
author's name ,or by category.
Databases for finding journal articles on and reveiws of Australian literature:
Read journal articles online via the Library
Some electronic journals and other online resources for Australian literature and writing: