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Cinema Studies: Home

Created for the students and staff of Cinema Studies

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Wanting to find where a movie or tv show is being streamed in NZ? Search on This website will also let you search for in-cinema locations and sessions times.


Cinema journals and magazines are less rigidly divided between peer-reviewed academic journals, on the one hand, and general, popular or trade magazines, on the other. (For more information, see: What are journals?). As a key example, Sight and Sound is important for the academic discipline despite not being peer-reviewed.

On this page is information about a few examples of both types of journals: Screen and Film History (both peer-reviewed) as well as Sight and Sound. Current access to the full text of these is provided at UC either online only or in combination with print format. For a list of other currently-subscribed cinema journals, see Current Journals.

Undergraduates can borrow up to 25 items at the same time, for 28 days, including five journals (issues or volumes). Research students can borrow up to 50 items at the same time, for 60 days, including 50 journals. Borrowed items are renewable and subject to recall. See more information on borrowing and printing, photocopying and scanning.

If what you want isn't held or available at the UC Library, you can make an Interloan request (at no charge) - see more information.

Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Elizabeth Cooke
Central Library, Puaka-James Hight
ext. 93898

Normal working hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am-1pm
Subjects: Arts

UC Research Repository

To browse online theses by discipline, go to the Research Repository Faculty of Arts - Te Kaupeka Toi Tangata and filter by Discipline

See also: Thesis guide.