eTV distributes programmes recorded off-air from domestic and international television channels and Internet channels, that can be viewed and downloaded under the terms and conditions of the Screenrights Licensing Scheme.
Searching: Searching for a particular film title or director works well enough. You can also use Advanced Search to select and search one or more categories, eg. "Movie" (under Categories); "Rialto" (under Sources); or "Drama" (under Subjects). Generally, eTV search options are not ideal and should be a lot better.
Coverage: Broadcast television programmes from a range of channels (not comprehensive).
Note: Please use your UC user name and password to log in. Students are not able to download e-cast content but can view it online. Staff may both view and download content, and use it in accordance with the university's screenrights licence.
Help: May not be fully functional with Firefox; use Safari, IE or Chrome.
Availability: Available on-campus, and remotely through the Web.
Authorized users: students and staff of the University of Canterbury.
Number of concurrent users: unlimited