This is a starting point for Pacific information on some aspects of engineering.
For detailed guides on searching for engineering information, and help from the Engineering Librarians, see the Engineering guides.
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF)
Publications include national infrastructure investment plans, building codes and standards, coastal protection, energy, ICT and gender and social safeguards.
‘Ilaiū Talei, C. (2018). The Twenty-First-Century Tongan Fale: The Emergence of Fale Puha, Fale ‘Amelika and Fale Tufitufi. In E. Grant, K. Greenop, A. L. Refiti, & D. J. Glenn (Eds.), The Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture (pp. 697-716). Springer.
Latai-Niusulu, A., Taua’a, S., Kiddle, G. L., Zari, M. P., Blaschke, P., & Chanse, V. (2022). Traditional nature-based architecture and landscape design: Lessons from Samoa and wider Oceania. In A. Rastandeh & M. Jarchow (Eds.), Creating resilient landscapes in an era of climate change (pp. 194-216). Routledge.
Nonu, P. F. (2016). Reconnecting with the past: Traditional Tongan architecture as an educational device for the Tongan people [Doctoral thesis, University of Hawai'i at Manoa].
Potauaine, S. F. (2005). The tectonic of the fale. Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, 104-109.
Refeti, A. (2017). How the Tā Vā Theory of Reality constructs a Spatial Exposition of Samoan Architecture. Pacific Studies, 40(1/2), 267-288
Tuvale, T. (1918?). An account of Samoan history up to 1918. Chapter: The Samoan house - O le pale [fale] samoa (this is an ocr version of a microfilm of a transcript of a translation by E. Riddell of Tuvale’s manuscript. ‘pale’ should be fale)
Amir-Ansari, S. (2013). Design and construction of bridges in Fiji. Bridge Engineering, 166(2), 95-103.
Babinard, J., BennettT, C. R., Hatziolos, M. E., Faiz, A., & Somani, A. (2014). Sustainably managing natural resources and the need for construction materials in Pacific Island countries: The example of South Tarawa, Kiribati: Special issue on small island developing states. Natural Resources Forum, 38(1), 58-66.
Robertson, I. N. (2012). Improving concrete durability through the use of corrosion inhibitors. Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR-2, 3-5 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa. (Hawai'ian aggregates)
Vukicea S.L., Thammadi S., Pisini S., Shukla S.K. (2020) Experimental Investigation on the Tensile Strength Behaviour of Coconut Fibre-Reinforced Cement Concrete in Fiji and Pacific Region. In: Kanwar V., Shukla S. (eds) Sustainable Civil Engineering Practices. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 72. Springer, Singapore.
Binder, S. B., & Baker, C. K. (2017). Culture, local capacity, and outside aid: A community perspective on disaster response after the 2009 tsunami in American Sāmoa. Disasters, 41(2), 282-305.
Calandra, M. (2023). Humanitarian aid and local responses: The aftermath of the rebuilding effort on Tongoa Island, Vanuatu. Disasters, 47(1), 3-22.
Clissold, R., Westoby, R., & McNamara, K. E. (2020). Women as recovery enablers in the face of disasters in Vanuatu. Geoforum, 113, 101-110.
Gero, A., Fletcher, S., Rumsey, M., Thiessen, J., Kuruppu, N., Buchan, J., Daly, J., & Willetts, J. (2015). Disasters and climate change in the pacific: Adaptive capacity of humanitarian response organizations. Climate and Development, 7(1), 35-46.
Johnson, F., Higgins, P. & Stephens, C. (2021). Climate change and hydrological risk in the Pacific: a humanitarian engineering perspective. Journal of Water and Climate Change; 12 (3): 647–678.
Keen, M., Sanderson, D., Osborne, K., Deo, R., Faith, J., & Ride, A. (2022). Area-based approaches and urban recovery in the Pacific: Lessons from Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Environment and Urbanization, 34(1), 151-169.
Le Dé, L., Rey, T., Leone, F., & Gilbert, D. (2018). Sustainable livelihoods and effectiveness of disaster responses: A case study of tropical cyclone pam in Vanuatu. Natural Hazards, 91(3), 1203-1221.
McNamara, K. E., Clissold, R., Westoby, R., Piggott-McKellar, A. E., Kumar, R., Clarke, T., Namoumou, F., Areki, F., Joseph, E., Warrick, O., & Nunn, P. D. (2020). An assessment of community-based adaptation initiatives in the Pacific islands. Nature Climate Change, 10(7), 628-639.
Sang Yum, M. K., & Baars, R. C. (2024). Pacific methodologies in critical disaster studies. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 33(3), 270–285.
Sisifa, S. (2015). The project management practices used in development projects: Reflections from Tonga. [Doctoral thesis, University of Auckland]. Research Space.
Support from the diaspora:
Alefaio-Tugia, S. (2022). Beyond aid: Sustainable disaster resilience through an urbanized Pacific diaspora. Journal of International Affairs, 74(1), 285-14
Begg, S. S., De Ramon N, Y. A., & Begg, S. (2023). Interweaving resource management with indigenous knowledge to build community resilience in the Pacific Islands: Case of the Waimanu Catchment in Viti Levu, Fiji. Regional Environmental Change, 23(3). (not specifically on forestry)
Feary, S. A., Eastburn, D., Sam, N., Kennedy, J. (2011). Western Pacific. In J. A. Parrota & R. L. Trosper (Eds.), Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge: Sustaining Communities, Ecosystems and Biocultural Diversity. (pp. 395-447). Springer.
Harrison S., & Karim S. (Eds.). (2016). Promoting sustainable agriculture and agroforestry to replace unproductive land use in Fiji and Vanuatu. (ACIAR Monograph MN191). The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Murti, R., & Boydell, S. (2008). Land, conflict and community forestry in Fiji. Management of Environmental Quality, 19(1), 6–19.
Olson, D., Farley, L., Patrick, A., Watling, D., Tuiwawa, M., Masibalavu, V., Lenoa, L., Bogiva, A., Qauqau, I., Atherton, J., Caginitoba, A., Tokota’a, M., Prasad, S., Naisilisili, W., Raikabula, A., Mailautoka, K., Morley, C., & Allnutt, T. (2010). Priority forests for conservation in Fiji: landscapes, hotspots and ecological processes. Oryx 44, 57–70.
Pacific Community. (n.d.). Sustainable Forests and Landscapes.
Ravuso, M. (2013). Fijians for Fijian forests: Supporting community-driven protected area establishment in Fiji. (Biodiversity conservation lessons learned Technical Series 14). Conservation International.
Taylor, M., McGregor, A., & Dawson, B. (Eds.). (2016). Vulnerability of Pacific Island agriculture and forestry to climate change. Pacific Community.
Pearson, J., McNamara, K. E., & Nunn, P. D. (2019) Gender-specific perspectives of mangrove ecosystem services: Case study from Bua Province, Fiji Islands. Ecosystem Services, 38:100970.
Pearson, J., McNamara, K. E., & Nunn, P. D. (2020). iTaukei ways of knowing and managing mangroves for ecosystem-based adaptation. In: W. Leal Filho (Ed.) Managing climate change adaptation in the Pacific region (pp. 105–127). Springer.
Betasolo, M. L., & Smith, C. A. (2016). Axiomatic design process in developing a model prototype rainwater harvesting infrastructure. Procedia CIRP, 53, 187-192.
Kaspari, P. & Allen, S. (2008). Environmentally sound approaches for stormwater management on Pacific Island nations. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 3, 316.
Monrose, J., Tota-Maharaj, K. (2018). Technological Review of Permeable Pavement Systems for Applications in Small Island Developing States. Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 46 (9), Article. no. 1700168.
Poustie, M. S., & Deletic, A. (2014). Modeling integrated urban water systems in developing countries: Case study of Port Vila, Vanuatu. Ambio, 43, 1093-1111.
Ali, A. A., Deo, S. S., & Kumar, R. R. (2023, April 29). A Computer vision-based pothole and road distress detection system for extreme weather and natural disaster-prone Fiji. In A. B. Amor, S. Elloumi, S. Nejim, K. Nouri, H. Gritli & N. Dhahbi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET).
Cusack, B., & Maeakafa, G. (2016). Establishing effective and economical traffic surveillance in Tonga. In Valli, C. (Ed.), Proceedings of 14th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 5-6 December 2016 (pp.50-56). Edith Cowan University.