Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, its goal is to include
citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other
mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic,
or geographical limitations, and to offer both current and retrospective coverage.
Here is a sample of the useful books and journals in the UC Library. Use the MultiSearch box on the left to find others.
Butin, D.W. (2010). Service learning in theory and practice: The future of community engagement in higher education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
McIlrath, L & MacLabhrainn, I. (2007). Higher education and civic engagement:International perspectives .Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Packham, C. (2010). Active citizenship and community learning. Exter: Learning Matters
Kerins, A.T. (2010) An adventure in service-learning: Developing knowledge, values and responsibility. Franham, England: Ashgate.
Rochester, C. (2010). Volunteering in the 21st century. Houndsmill, England: Palgrave Mamillan.
Michigan journal of community service learning
Newsletter. Volunteering Canterbury (Macmillan Brown: in library use only).
Australian journal on volunteering
Ren, Z.J.(2009). On being a volunteer at the Sichuan earthquake disaster area (translated version). Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. 19(3), 123
Beehra, T. A., LeGroa, K., Portera, K., Bowling, N.A, & Swarderc, W.M. (2010). Required Volunteers: Community Volunteerism Among Students in College Classes. Teaching of Psychology. 37(4), 276-280
Community engagement and inclusion in Australian higher education: A thematic analysis of AQUA"s cycle 1 audits. Stella, A & Baird, J. Australian Universities quality agency
Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at the University of Maryland, College Park researches young people and their community service. CIRCLE analyzes trends in community service/volunteering over time and by subgroups, such as sex, race and ethnicity.
International association for reearch on service-learning and community engagement
University of Kent (linked to career enhancement)
Durham University (staff have 5 days to volunteer)
National Voice of the students NUS article on volunteering with statistics
Institute for Volunteering Research and Student Hubs
Institue for volunteering research
A research document measuring the value of student volunteering
Value (looking to provide varsity links for volunteers)