Overview of industries based in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and China.
Contains financials, performance and forecast data.
GoogleScholar lists the 20 most highly ranked marketing journals. All are held online by the library.
To locate scholarly articles on marketing topics see Multisearch
Use the links available in the Quicklinks section of the Business Subject Guide
Adapt these examples to your country and wine type: the more terms you can use, the more you will find, eg. search for white wine, riesling and pinot gris.
"white wine" and (united kingdom or uk)
You can limit by journal articles and date using the left limits
You can add concepts like production using and:
wine and (united kingdom or uk) and production
wine and (united kingdom or uk) and industry
wine and (united kingdom or uk) and statistics
(riesling or pinot gris) and wine and (united kingdom or uk)
Business Source Complete
Same searches as Multisearch
Limit to 2000-
Wine production: New Zealand only. Useful background
3 searches:
Industries > Drinks > Alcoholic Drinks>Country Report>Wine>UK
Consumers>Income and Expenditure>Country Report>United Kingdom>View Stats>Consumer Expenditure on Alcoholic Drinks
Global search in top box for Wine and united kingdom
Google Scholar
Wine and production and (united kingdom or UK)
wine and import* and united kingdom
wine and market and (united kingdom or UK)
wine and statistics and (united kingdom or uk)
Business Source Complete
Includes Marketline company profiles, industry reports, and swot analyses.
Select the analysis you want from the Publication Type menu.
NZX Company Research
Company analytics
New Zealand Companies Register
Details of New Zealand companies
Contains worldwide industry research reports, as well as financial information and annual reports.
MarketLine industry reports:
IBIS World
Links to detailed reports on New Zealand industries.
Monitors industry trends and gives strategic analysis on market size and market share for products worldwide.
Includes a tourism module. Good NZ content.
Market Information Digest
Supermarket product category data for New Zealand from AC Nielsen Scantrack.
Access to over 1000 newspapers & 6000 magazines on current news, market research, investment analyst reports and stock quotes.
Press Reader
Collection of world newspapers
Euromonitor. (2018). Consumer lifestyles in New Zealand. Passport.
MarketLine. (2017). China Southern Airlines Company Limited:
Company profile. Business Source Complete.
Statistics New Zealand. (2013). Earnings by ethnicity, sex, and
age groups. https://www.stats.govt.nz/tools_and_services/tools/TableBuilder/income-tables.asp
Youl, T. (2020). Airlines in New Zealand (Industry Report 14900NZ). IBISWorld.
Commerce Commission New Zealand
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment
Market Mapper: find your target audience
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research
NZTE (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) Excellent resources but required free registration
Books on marketing scales are available in print and electronically
Statistics New Zealand has useful databases for demographic and economic data including
NZStat, Infoshare, and figureNZ
A range of sources is available for international statistics