Love, T. (2017). Māori values, care and compassion in organisations: a research strategy. [Paper presentation]. European Group for Organizational Studies Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scobie, M., Milne, M., Love, T. (2016) It might never happen, or will it? The process of rendering (un)accountability in the deep-sea oil exploration arena. [Paper presentation]. Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference. RMIT University, Melbourne Australia.
Scobie, M., Milne, M., Love T. (2020). Dissensus and democratic accountability in a case of conflict. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 33(5), 939-964.
The Library holds a copy of all theses completed at the University of Canterbury.
Online: All non-embargoed UC PhD theses are digitized and can be downloaded from the UC Research Repository (open access). Masters theses are in progress. To request digitisation of a specific thesis email
It may take up to 10 working days to complete this request.
Embargoes: Some theses may be unavailable until a certain date due to sensitive content. You may wish to contact the author for more information.
Print: Theses on the open shelves can be borrowed. Theses in storage can be requested online through our catalogue and used within the Macmillan Brown Library: the delivery timeframe is the following working day.
Finding theses
You can search in the Library Catalogue by: Author, Title, Keyword
Enter the terms thesis and Canterbury
followed by the subject discipline, e.g. thesis canterbury chemistry
NB: This may find theses in other subjects, e.g. thesis canterbury history picks up theses in art history, business history etc, while thesis canterbury philosophy will find PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) theses in all subjects. For these cases, some subject guides include thesis lists, including for classics and philosophy.
Online: links to full-text research online at New Zealand universities, polytechnics, and other research organisations, including theses.
Print theses can usually be interloaned under strict conditions.