In Kā Kohika, the number of search results shows at the top of the screen. You can display your results in a list or grid view. Use the dropdown menu at the top right corner, to sort your results by creator, title, or date (earliest or latest).
Use the filters on the left to refine your results by collection type, date, and level of description. Click Apply Filter to view the results. Click Remove Filter to remove the limits and return to the original set of results.
Items have icons to tell you if they are a photograph, artwork, or document.
If an item has been digitised, a thumbnail image will display. You can filter your results to digital images only.
Click on the title of an item to view the full record and to see request options. See the requesting to view collections tab for more information.
Bookmarking Items
To create a group of results across multiple searches, you can bookmark items. You must log in to create bookmarks. Once you have logged in, click on Bookmark to save an item to your bookmarks. Bookmarks will be retained between sessions until you remove them.
Use the Permalink icon to copy a permanent link to a record or the Facebook icon to share to social media.
The arrangement of material in the archives, photograph and architectural collections is hierarchical with Fonds at the top and Series and item towards the bottom. The record level will be indicated by an icon.
The arrangement of a collection can be viewed by clicking on Browse this collection. Navigate through collection levels by using the + or - sign. Click on an item in the tree to open it that record in a new window.
The level field describes which part of the heirarchy you are in.
To request material you need to be in a record that says Issuable item.