Library Subject Guides

Mātauranga Māori | Māori Education: Waiata - Karakia - Whakataukī

Here are some resources to get you started with finding waiata, karakia and whakataukī.

Kaua e wareware e hoa mā - don't forget that if you are sourcing resources from non-iwi affliated websites on the internet, to check and reference them against a reliable and authoritative source, such as one of the books in our library collections.


The following search results are UC Library catalogue keyword and subject searches. You can limit the search by language and by library location at the top right hand side of the results:


These two articles were found through Multisearch by entering the search term "waiata":


The following search results are UC Library catalogue keyword and subject searches. You can limit the search by language and by library location at the top right hand side of the results:


These two articles were found through Multisearch by entering the search term "karakia":


The following search results are UC Library catalogue keyword and subject searches. They will present with the most recently published holdings in the library at the top of each list:


These two articles were found through Multisearch by entering the search term "whakatauki":