Māori children's biliteracy experiences moving from a Kōhanga Reo setting to a Kura Kaupapa Māori, bilingual, and mainstream education setting: An exploratory study by Sarika Rona (2018). This research explored the biliteracy experiences of three kōhanga reo children as they started school in one of three settings: a bilingual unit, a mainstream classroom and Kura Kaupapa Māori. The children's literacy experiences were observed on school entry and parents and teachers from each setting were interviewed regarding their aspirations for children and approaches to literacy.
He Reo for our future: Te reo Māori and teacher identities, attitudes and micro-policies in mainstream New Zealand schools by Sophie Barr & Corinne A. Seals (2018). This study investigates the connections between macro-language policies, access to resources, classroom micro-policies and teacher identites of the Pākehā primary school teachers at three New Zealand schools.
Te reo Māori in classrooms - Current policy, future practice, by Georgina Stewart (2014). This article discusses te reo Māori in relation to learning identities, language policy and teacher roles.
'Mainstreaming' te reo Māori: Beyond indifference and tokenism in the classroom by Koro Ngāpō (2013). This paper examines why Māori language needs to be taught accurately at the early stages of initial teacher education programmes and continue for the duration of a teacher education student's degree. It also covers the state of the Māori language, attitudes towards it and strategies for teachers to use in a mainstream teaching setting
Teaching te reo Māori as a second language in primary schools: Two case studies, by Richard Hill (2010). This article reports on the outcomes of a Ministry-funded project designed to strengthen the second language teaching approaches of upper primary school teachers who teach te reo Māori.
Things to consider when teaching te reo Māori, presented by Tame Kuka (Waikato University) from the TKI website