These pepeha were published on "Pepeha across the city" postcards during a Christchurch Arts Festival. There are more pepeha on Christchurch City Libraries website.
E, ko te Hau Kaitakata e aumou te whai, te mutu ai e. Oh, the Nor'Wester persistent in its pursuit, will not relent
Kāi Tahu's persistence in pursuing their rights is likened to the NorWester that devours those in its path. (Nā Hana O'Regan)
E rite ana mātou ki te Kauwau e noho ana i runga i te toka; Ka pari te tai, ka ngaro te kōhatu, ka rere te manu. We are the same as a shag perched on an ocean rock; the tide encroaches, the stone disappears and the bird must fly away.
In 1860 Hoani Paratene said to Governor Gore Browne "Please listen carefully to our words, to our grievances and illnesses as you are the doctor that must remedy them. We have no houses, no land, no market to sell our wares."