The Macmillan Brown Library has many oral history recordings available for researchers. Some are in specific oral history collections, while others are within archival collections. Christchurch, Canterbury, and the West Coast feature strongly in the oral history collection but there are also oral histories concerning people and places elsewhere in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
The oral histories are recorded on a variety of formats including magnetic audio tape, compact discs and digital files stored on the Library network. For technical and rights management reasons all oral histories must be listened to within the Macmillan Brown Library reading room. Staff will let you know how to access the particular recording format of the oral history that you have requested.
Clients must formally request to use oral histories for purposes other than private research and study. If you would like a copy of an oral history the Library may charge a reproduction fee along with copying costs. New Zealand copyright legislation applies to all oral histories in the collection and it is the responsibility of the user to comply with copyright regulations.
As most oral histories were given to the Library under the auspices of specific deeds of gifts and formal consent forms, copying and access restrictions may apply to particular collections. The Library reserves the right to refuse access and copying requests for any reason including preservation concerns.