I am available to help you throughout the academic year. Please e-mail me with a requested date and time, and a brief description of your topic. I'd be delighted to meet you
It might seem obvious, but the first step is to make sure you understand the topic.
1) Identify the main concepts or keywords in your question to help you develop a search strategy.
2) Work out why the topic is being offered. Is it:
controversial ? complicated? what makes the topic interesting?
Use dictionaries and encyclopaedias to find definitions and background information. Articles from specialized subject encyclopaedias are authoritative and often substantial.
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If you don't understand what you have to do for an assignment, ask your lecturer, your tutor or someone at the Academic Skills Centre.
Search the Library catalogue:
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If you can't find the kind of information you want on these databases, ask a subject librarian - we can help you choose the right database and the right keywords to use.
The internet has a lot of information, but not all of it is useful
or reliable. Consider the source of the page. Suitable sources are
Use the Advanced Search features of Google to restrict your search to results from reputable sources.
Do not use articles directly from Wikipedia, although you can use its content (eg keywords or phrases) to search other sources
Use Google Scholar to find reliable journal articles. Adjust the Scholar Preference to recongnise the University of Canterbury, and you will get full text whenever it is available through our library subscriptions.
Read more on:
evaluating your sources
Visit the Academic Skills Centre for workshops and/or personal help with writing your essay.
Look professional and keep out of trouble by citing all the sources
of information you use in your essay, using the MLA citation style.