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Library Subject Guides

Systematic Reviews: Critical appraisal

Critical appraisal tools

DistillerSR - Choosing the best systematic review critical appraisal tool a guide to commonly used critical appraisal tools. Requires a subscription.

AMSTAR investigate the effectiveness of interventions

CASP appraisal of RCTs, SRs, cohort studies, case-control studies, qualitative research, economic evaluations, diagnostic tests and clinical prediction rules

Cochrane RoB 2 (Risk of Bias Tool) appraise RCTs  /  ROBINS-I Risk of bias non-randomized studies of interventions. See the Cochrane Handbook for a detailed explanation

GRADE appraise the quality of evidence in healthcare research and policy (Cochrane training)

JBI Critical Tools assess trustworthiness, relevance, and results of published papers

NOS assess the quality of non-randomized studies in meta-analyses.

ROBIS assess the risk of bias in interventions, diagnosis, prognosis, and etiology.

STROBE assess cohort, case-control, and conduct cross-sectional studies.



Critical training videos from the Cochrane Mental Health group.

Books on critical appraisal