Recommended databases for finding journal articles
Māori Dictionary (Spelling Māori words correctly in assignments and exams is important)
Resource Management Act Guide (
Te Ao Māori The Māori World (Ministry for the Environment)
Environment Aotearoa 2015 (Ministry for the Environment. There is a 2019 report that is more recent but the 2015 report is particularly useful)
Te reo o Te Repo: The Voice of the Wetland (An online wetland handbook created collaboratively between the Waikato Raupatu River Trust and Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research)
Guide to Using Grey Literature (Flinders Academic Commons guide to using and assessing grey literature)
We have huge collections of books and ebooks
Citation and referencing styles guides such as APA
Ngā Rauemi Māori | Māori Knowledge guide
Check facts, definitions and background information
Pacific Science guide with a wide variety of resources
Library support for the whole research lifecycle