If you need help in formulating your request, Statistics New Zealand are willing to discuss all requests and will do their best to ensure that the information is supplied. Contact Stats NZ
Researchers at UC are able to use the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). There is an IDI terminal in the Meremere building.
To access IDI
1. Submit a proposal to Stats NZ for approval. Contact the Library to arrange payment for the approval process
2. IDI uses SQL - if you need assistance with SQL and using the IDI terminal please contact:
Asaad Ali (asaad.ali@pg.canterbury.ac.nz) or
Dr Andrea Menclova
(andrea.menclova@canterbury.ac.nz) in the Department of Economics and Finance.
The Council of New Zealand University Librarians (CONZUL) have an agreement with Statistics New Zealand for the supply of New Zealand statistical data, some of which is not publicly available through the Statistics NZ website.
Under the CONZUL agreement the University of Canterbury has an annual allocation of hours which may be used for requests for customised data by researchers. If you have a need to obtain customised statistical data or CURFS, email Stuart Broughton the UC contact officer. The Contact Officer authorises use of the allocated hours with Statistics New Zealand and works with the applicant to fill out the required paperwork. The process involved for the approval of hours is usually via email to Statistics New Zealand, after a conversation has taken place with the applicant to ensure that the statistical data required is not publicly available.
Statistics NZ has two large integrated but confidentialized research databases:
Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) - data about people and households
Longtitudinal Business Database (LBD) - microdata about businesses
More details here. Use of these datasets must be approved by Statistics NZ.
UC has a IDI Laboratory in the Meremere building