This page is a guide to finding resources on Te Tiriti based social work. More information on finding material to support study and research into Te Ao Māori can be found on the Māori and Indigenous Studies Subject Guide and the Kaupapa Māori Rangahau guide.
Māori Language Resources - Māori Language Commission - Learning Māori
Social Work Pertaining to Maori in New Zealand: Ngā Mahi Toko I Te Ora O Te Iwi Māori 1990-2017 - Bibliography of literature of interest to social workers working with Māori in New Zealand.
Puao-te-ata-tu - report published in 1988 investigating racism in the treatment of Māori within the Department of Social Welfare.
Statistics New Zealand: Māori - Statistics and data for and about Māori and iwi in Aotearoa New Zealand, including wellbeing, population, and iwi information.
Relevant areas of the Central Library include:
Most of the research materials on Te Ao Māori will be found in the MacMillan Brown Library. Search either the Library Catalogue or MultiSearch to find books on your topic [more information].
Barlow, C. (1994). Tikanga whakaaro: Key concepts in Māori culture. Oxford University Press.
Belich, J. (1996). Making peoples: A history of New Zealanders. The Penguin Press.
Bell, R., Kāwharu, M., Taylor, K., & Belgrave, M. (2017). The Treaty on the ground: Where we are headed, and why it matters. Massey University Press. (ebook)
Bell, A., McIntosh, T., Elizabeth, V., & Wynyard, M. (2017). A land of milk and honey: Making sense of Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland University Press. (ebook)
Boulton, A., Cvitanovic, L., & Cropp, T. (2020). Bringing whānau ora to health social work. In M. Petrakis (Ed.), Social work practice in health: An introduction to contexts, theories and skills (pp. 159-174). Routledge. (ebook)
Durie, M. (1998). Whaiora: Māori health development. Oxford University Press.
Durie, M. (2001). Mauri ora: The dynamics of Māori health. Oxford University Press.
Durie, M. (2011). Navigating Māori futures. Huia (ebook)
Durie, M. (2013). Launching Māori futures. Huia (ebook)
Ektone, A., & Walker, S. (2015). Bicultural practice: Beyond mere tokenism. In K. van Heugten & A Gibbs (Eds.), Social work for sociologists: Theory and practice (pp 10-3-119). Palgrave Macmillan. (ebook)
Eketone, A., & Walker, S. (2016). Kaupapa Māori social work research. In M. Gray & J. Coates (Eds.), Decolonizing social work (pp 259-270). Routledge.
Hameed, S. & El-Kafafi, S. (Eds.). Handbook of research on indigenous knowledge and bi-culturalism in a global context. Information Science. (ebook). Has chapters about Aotearoa New Zealand context.
Ka'ai, T. M., Moorfield, J. C., Reilly, M., & Mosely, S. (2004). Ki te whaiao: An introduction to Māori culture and society. Pearson.
Kiddle, R. (Ed.). (2020). Imagining decolonisation. Bridget Williams Books (ebook)
Kingi, T. K. R., Durie, M., Elder, H., Tapsell, R., Lawrence, M., & Bennett, S. (2017). Maea te toi ora: Māori health transformations. Huia. (ebook)
Mead, S. M. (2016). Tikanga Māori: Living by Māori values. Huia.(ebook)
McIntosh, T., & Mulholland, M. (2013). Māori and social issues. Huia (ebook)
Mooney, H., Watson, A., Ruwhiu, P., & Hollis-English, A. (2020). Māori social work and Māori mental health in Aotearoa New Zealand. In R. Ow, & A. Poon (Eds.). Mental Health and Social Work. Springer. (ebook)
Orange, C. (2021). The Treaty of Waitangi: Te Tiriti o Waitangi: An illustrated history. Bridget Williams Books. (ebook)
O'Sullivan, D. (2007). Beyond biculturalism: The politics of an indigenous minority. Huia.
Patterson, J. (1992). Exploring Māori values. Dunmore Press.
Pihama, L., & Smith, L. T. (Eds.). (2023). Ora: Healing ourselves indigenous knowledge, healing and wellbeing. Huia.
Reilly, M., Duncan, S., Leoni, G., Paterson, L., Carter, L., Rātima, M., & Rewi, P. (Eds.). (2018). Te Kōparapara: An introduction to the Māori world. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.
Roberts, S. (2022). Assessment with Māori. In J. Maidment, R. Egan, R. Tudor, & S. Nipperess (Eds.), Practice skills in social work and welfare: More than just common sense. Taylor & Francis (ebook)
Ruwhiu, L. A. (2017). Making sense of indigenous issues in Aotearoa New Zealand. In M. Connolly & L. Harms (Eds.), Social work: Contexts and practice (4th ed., pp. 95-108). Oxford University Press.
Ruwhiu, P. (2019). Te whakapakari ake i te mahi: Mana-enhancing practice engagement with social work students and practitoners. In R. Munford & K. O'Donoghue (Eds), New Theories for social work practice: Ethical practice for working with individuals, families and communities. (ebook)
Smith, L. T. (2021). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and indigenous peoples (3rd ed.). Zed Books. (ebook)
Tawhai, V. M. H., & Gray-Sharp, K. (2013). Always speaking: The Treaty of Waitangi and public policy. Huia. (ebook)
Walker, R. J. (2004). Struggle without end: Ka whawhai tonu matou. Penguin.
Walsh-Tapiata, W. (2016). The past, the present and the future: The New Zealand Indigenous experience of social work. In J. Coates, M. Gray, M. Bird, L. Jordan & P. O’Leary (Eds.). Indigenous social work around the world: Towards culturally relevant education and practice. (ebook)
Selected journal articles:
Aotearoa Social Work Review: Special issues: Volume 32(3) 2020 | Volume 26(4) 2015 | Volume 26(1) 2014 | Volume 24(3-4), 2012 | Vol 20(4), 2008
Eketone, A. (2008). Theoretical underpinnings of kaupapa Māori directed practice. MAI review
Hollis-English, A. (2012). Puao-te-ata-tu: Informing Māori social work since 1986. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(3), 41-48.
Munford, R., & Sanders, J. (2010). Embracing the diversity of practice: Indigenous knowledge and mainstream social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice, 25(1), 63–77
Walker, S. (2012). The teaching of Māori social work practice and theory to a predominanty Pākehā audience. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(3-4), 65-74.
Whitinui, P. (2011). The Treaty and "treating" Māori health: Politics, policy and partnership. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 7(2), 138-151.
Following are a selection of important journals published in New Zealand:
How to work effectively with Māori (Oranga Tamariki)
Human Rights Commission - Indigenous Rights
Māori centred social work practice (Oranga Tamariki)
Māori Health Models - Ministry of Health
Re-imaging Social Work in Aotearoa New Zealand - a collective of social workers, academics and researchers who share a passion for and commitment to the development of modern, progressive, inclusive, democratic and culturally responsive social work services in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Statistics New Zealand - Māori
Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Māori Development
Treaty of Waitangi - New Zealand History Online
Whānau Ora: Taskforce on Whānau-centred Initiatives - Ministry of Social Development
When searching Google, try adding to your search terms to limit your results to Māori websites. Limiting to government websites using in your search is also useful.