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Library Subject Guides

Social Work | Tauwhiro Hapori: New Zealand Social Policy

UC Library Guide for Social Work


Use the Library Catalogue or MultiSearch to find books and reports on New Zealand social policy. The following key texts are a useful starting point:

Boston, J. (2019). Transforming the welfare state: Towards a new social contract. Bridget Williams. (ebook)

Boston, J., & Chapple, S. (2014). Child poverty in New Zealand. Bridget Williams. (ebook) 

Boston, J., St. John, S., & Dalziel, P. (1999). Redesigning the welfare state in New Zealand: Problems, policies, prospects. Oxford University Press.

Cheyne, C., O'Brien, M., & Belgrave, M. (2008). Social policy in Aotearoa New Zealand (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Connolly, M., & Harms, L. (Eds.). (2013). Social work: Contexts and practice. (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Dale, C. M, O'Brien, M., St.John, S. (2011). Left further behind: How policies fail the poorest children in New Zealand. Child Poverty Action Group.

Dalley, B., & Tennant, M. (2004). Past judgement: Social policy in New Zealand history. University of Otago Press. (ebook)

Duncan, G. (2007). Society and politics: New Zealand social policy (2nd ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.

Gauld, R. (2009). Revolving doors: New Zealand's health reforms the continuing saga. Institute of Policy Studies.

Groot, S., Van Ommen, C., Masters-Awatere, B., & Tassell-Matamua, N. (2017). Precarity: Uncertain, insecure and unequal lives in Aotearoa New Zealand. Massey University Press.

Hassall, G., & Karacaoglu, G. (Eds.). (2021). Social policy practice and processes in Aotearoa New Zealand. Massey University Press.

Hayward, J. (Ed.). (2015). New Zealand government and politics (6th ed.). Oxford. (ebook)

Humpage, L. (2015). Policy change, public attitudes and social citizenship: Does neo-liberalism matter? Policy Press (ebook)

Hyslop, I. K. (2022). A political history of child protection: Lessons for reform from Aotearoa New Zealand. Policy Press. (ebook)

Lunt, N., O'Brien, M., & Stephens, R. (2008). New Zealand, new welfare. Cengage Learning

Maidment, J., & Beddoe, L. (Eds.). (2016). Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives. Canterbury University Press. 

Miller, R. (2010). New Zealand government and politics (5th ed.). Oxford University Press

Mitchell, A. V. (2017). Revenge of the rich: The neoliberal revolution in Britain and New Zealand. Canterbury University Press.

McClure, M. (1998). A civilised community: A history of social security in New Zealand 1898-1998. Auckland University Press. (ebook)

McDonald, D. (1998). Social Work in Aotearoa New Zealand. Longman.

O'Brien, M. (2008). Poverty, policy and the state: The changing face of social security. Policy Press. (ebook)

Rashbrooke, M. (2013). Inequality: A New Zealand crisis. Bridget Williams. (ebook)

Shaw, R., & Eichbaum, C. (2011). Public policy in New Zealand: Institutions, processes and outcomes. Pearson.

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)

Transcript of debates in the New Zealand Parliament. Useful to follow the debate of bills and policy in Parliament.  Hansard is available online:

Current (2003 - to date)

Historical (1854-2016)

Web sites

Social policy is often discussed in documents on the websites of government departments and social service agencies. 

New Zealand Government




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