Library Subject Guides

Education: School Journals


How to find resources on Journal Surf

  1. Select a format: All content, Journal items, News or Enrich Resources
  2. Enter your search term in the box and select the search button. Your search term could be a topic (e.g. kiwi), an author, or a subject (e.g. mathematics).
  3. You can then filter results by the guided reading level, curriculum areas, key competencies, values, keywords and other categories (see filters on left hand side of screen).

Advanced Search

Advanced Search option enables you to select the year range, type/level, text features, values and competencies, and cross-curricula themes/big ideas as part of your initial search. This is a great option to ensure you get a very specific course type or level.

Journal Surf database

The library has a full collection of school journals. To find relevant resources in these journals for use in the classroom, you need to search a database called Journal Surf.



Journal Surf can be accessed in the library or from home.

You will need to login with special login details: the login name and password is provided on the page linked to above, along with a link to the Journal Surf database.

What can you find on Journal Surf?

Journal Surf lists stories, articles, plays and poems published from 1978 onwards in

  • School Journal (Part 1/Level 1: 7-8 years; Part 2/Level 2: 8-9 years; Part 3/Level 3: 9-11 years; Part 4/Level 4: 11-13 years)
  • School Journal Story Library (For 9-14 year olds who need assistance with reading)
  • Junior Journal (For 6-7 years old)
  • Journal of Young People's Writing
  • Journal of Secondary Students' Writing
  • Connected (Presents maths, science and technology in the context of students' lives)

The publications above are shelved on Level 4 of the Central Library. You can usually access PDFs of teacher support material through Journal Surf.

Finding Journal Surf resources in the library

Journal Surf publications are shelved as part of the Dewey collection on Level 4 of the Central Library. Teachers' notes are on the shelf with the issues for older issues; for later issues, teachers' notes can be found on TKI. Library staff are always happy to help you find items.

Journal of Young People's Writing - Call number 820.809282 SCH

  • These are shelved by year (and each year has its own title)

Journal of Secondary Students' Writing - Call number 820.809282

  • These are shelved by year (and each year has its own title)

Junior Journal - Call number 820.809282 JUN

  • These are shelved by year, month and the level (They are published in levels 2-4)

School Journal - Call number 820.809282 SCH

  • 1918-2010: School Journal was published in Parts 1-4 (representing the reading level) and numbers (it was published 4 times a year). So you will require the story title, school journal part, year it was published, school journal number, and the page numbers for the particular story you are looking for to find the story on the shelf.
  • 2011-current: School Journal is now published in Levels 1-4 and numbers. So you will require the story title, school journal level, year it was published, school journal number, and the page numbers for the particular story you are looking for to find the story on the shelf.

School Journal Story Library - Call number 428.6 SCH

  • Stories are shelved under this call number, and then alphabetically by the author's surname.

Connected - Call number 505 CON

Finding School Journal on the Catalogue

The best way to search for school journals is by searching the catalogue using the ‘Title begins with’ search function. Select ‘Title begins with’ in the drop down menu and search publication name, part, number and year - as indicated below:

Click on the correct record (You may sometimes need to scroll down through the records to select the correct year):


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