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Pacific: Education

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AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples includes many articles on education in Aotearoa.

Pacific-Asian Education: A Journal about Education in Pacific Circle Countries

Tokoni-Faiako Journal of Education (Tonga). Vol. 2 & 3.

Pacific Education Research Models and Issues

Fletcher, J., Parkhill, F., Fa’afoi, A., & Morton, M. (2006)."Poto He Anga: Collaboration and Consultation in Pasifika Research", Qualitative Research Journal, 6(1): 36-50

Sanga, K., & Reynolds, M. (2019). A review of the emerging indigenous Pacific research. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed,), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019 (pp. 255-278). Emerald Publishing.

Tuafuti, P. (2011). Multiple Challenges in Research within the Fa'asamoa Context. Pacific-Asian Education. 23(2), 33-42

Ministry of Education
Anae, Melani, Coxon, Eve, Mara, Diane, Wendt-Samu, Tanya and Christine Finau. (2001). Pasifika Education Research Guidelines. Ministry of Education.


Note: this list only includes articles relating to education; for more articles on Pacific research models see the main Pacific Research page.

Aua’i i le Galuega
Nakhid, C., Fa’alofo, J. P., Faiva, M., Halafihi, D., Pilisi, S., Senio, J., Taylor, S., &  Thomas, L. “Aua’i i Le Galuega: A Pasifika Research Design Ensuring Ownership and Autonomy.” Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 32 (2007): 106-125

Kakala Framework
Thaman, K. H. (1992). Looking towards the source: A Consideration of (Cultural) Context in Teacher Education. Address given at the IOE/SOH Teacher Education Forward Planning Meeting, The University of the South Pacific, June 8-12, 1992.

Johansson-Fua, S. (2014). Kakala Research Framework: A Garland in Celebration of a Decade of Rethinking Education. In Of waves, winds and wonderful things: A decade of rethinking Pacific education.

Johansson-Fua, S. (2023). Kakala Research Framework. In: Okoko, J.M., Tunison, S., Walker, K.D. (Eds) Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Conextual Perspectives. (pp. 275-280). Springer, Cham.

Tanielu, L. (2013). Paepae Research Model. In O pelega o fanau: Treasuring children

Amituana'i-Tola, M. (2013). The Popo model and framework: The cross sectional divide in research methodology. In O pelega o fanau: Treasuring children.

Pou Tu
Luafutu-Simpson, Pauline. Developing an Authentic Samoan Lens. Te Tari Puna Ora o Aotearoa, 2011.

Naufahu M. A. (2018). A Pasifika research methodology: Talaloto. Waikato Journal of Education, 23(1),15-24.

Fairbairn-Dunlop, Peggy. (2014). Talanoa: Building a Pasifika Research Culture (book)

Oldehaver, J. L. (2018). Developing a 'culturally validated' dialogic indicator tool: A reconceptualised analytical framework using talanoa to code classroom talk. Waikato Journal of Education, 23(1), 25-41.

‘Otunuku, Mo’ale. Talanoa: How Can it be Used Effectively as an Indigenous Research Methodology with Tongan People? Pacific-Asian Education. 23,2 (2011): 43-52

Suaalii-Sauni, Tamasailau, & Saunimaa Ma Fulu‐Aiolupotea. "Decolonising Pacific Research, Building Pacific Research Communities and Developing Pacific Research Tools: The Case of the Talanoa and the Fa'afaletui in Samoa." Asia Pacific Viewpoint 55, 3 (2014): 331-44.

Tunufa'i, L. Pacific research: Rethinking the Talanoa 'methodology'. New Zealand Sociology, 31(7) 2016. Suggests that talanoa is a research tool rather than a research methodology.

Vaioleti, Timote M. (2006). Talanoa Research Methodology: A Developing Position on Pacific Research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12.

Tagoilelagi-Leota, S F. F. (2013). Tautai- a research design.  In O pelega o fanau: Treasuring children.

Teu le va
Anae, M. (2010). Research for better Pacific schooling in New Zealand: Teu le va - a Samoan perspective. MAI Review, 1 

Anae, M. (2016). Teu Le Va: Samoan relational ethics. Knowledge Cultures, 4(3), 117.

Airini, Melani Anae, Mila-Schaaf, Karlo, Coxon, Eve, Mara, Diane, Sanga, Kabini. Teu le Va: Relationships Across Research and Policy in Pasifika Education.  Ministry of Education, 2010

Galuvao, A. S. (2018). In search of Samoan research approaches to education: Tofā’a’anolasi and the Foucauldian tool box. Educational Philosophy & Theory, 50(8), 747–757.

Sauni, Seiuli Luama. (2011). Samoan Research Methodology: The Ula: A New Paradigm. Pacific-Asian Education. 23,2, 53-64

For articles on the vā in research, search Index New Zealand and NZResearch.

Tertiary Education

Pacific academics' experiences of academia in Aotearoa

Asafo, D., & Tuiburelevu, L. (2021). Finding our way to the island: Critical reflections from two emerging Pacific legal academics in Aotearoa. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 33, 55-69.

Baice, T., Naepi, S., Thomsen, P., Muller, K., Leenen-Young, M., Manuela, S., & Sisifa, S. (2021). Developing our voices: Pacific early career academics' journeys in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 33, 10-24.

Baice, T., Lealaiauloto, B., Meiklejohn-Whiu, S., Fonua, S. M., Allen, J. M., Matapo, J., Iosefo, F. & Fa’avae,D. (2021). Responding to the call: Talanoa, va-vā, early career network and enabling academic pathways at a universtiy in New Zealand. Higher Education Research and Development, 40(1), 75-89.

Kidman, J. & Chu, C. (2019). We’re not the hottest ethnicity: Pacific scholars and the cultural politics of New Zealand universities. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(4), 489-499.

Leenen-Young, M. (2021). "Guardians" of signatures?: Future directions in Pacific history from a Pacific early career academic in Aotearoa. Journal of New Zealand Studies, (33), 36-54.

Leenen-Young, M., Naepi, S., Thomsen, P. S., Fa'avae, D. T. M., Keil, M., & Matapo, J. (2021). 'Pillars of the colonial institution are like a knowledge prison': The significance of decolonizing knowledge and pedagogical practice for Pacific early career academics in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(7-8), 986-1001.

McAllister, T. G. , Kokaua, J., Naepi, S., Kidman, J., & Theodore, R. (2020). Glass ceilings in New Zealand universities: Inequities in Māori and Pacific promotions and earnings. Mai Journal, 9(3), 272-285.

McAllister, T. G., Naepi, S., Wilson, E., Hikuroa, D., & Walker, L. A. (2022). Under-represented and overlooked: Māori and Pasifika scientists in Aotearoa New Zealand’s universities and crown-research institutes. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 52(1), 1-16.

Naepi, S. (2021) Pacific women’s experiences working in universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(1), 63-74.

Naepi, S. (2019). The pakaru ‘pipeline’: Māori and Pasifika pathways within the academy. New Zealand Annual Review of Education, 24, 142-159.

Naepi, S. (2021).  Shifting tides: The potential and lmitations of critical mass to change discipline research habits. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 33, 25-35.

Naepi, S. (2019). Why isn't my professor Pasifika? A snapshot of the academic workforce in New Zealand universitiesMAI Journal, 8 (2), 219-234.

Sisifa, S., & Fifita, I. (2021). Burdened in business: Pacific early career academic experiences with promoting Pacific research methodologies in the business academy. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 33, 70-82. 

Smith, H. & Wolfgramm-Foliaki, E'. (2021). 'We don't talk enough': Voices from a Māori and Pasifika lead research fellowship in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development, 40(1), 35-48.

Stewart, G. T., MacDonald, L., Matapo, J., Fa’avae, D. T. M., Watson, B. K., Akiu, R. K., Martin, B., Mika, C., & Sturm, S. (2021). Surviving academic whiteness: Perspectives from the Pacific. Educational Philosophy and Theory, , 1-12.

Theodore, R., Kidman, J, Naepi, S,, Kokaua, J., & McAllister, T. (2021). Tackling systemic racism in academic promotion processes: Situation report. MAI Journal, 10(2), 202-206.

Thomsen, P., Leenen-Young, M., Naepi, S., Müller, K., Manuela, S., Sisifa, S., & Baice, T. (2021). In our own words: Pacific early career academics (PECA) and Pacific knowledges in higher education pedagogical praxis. Higher Education Research and Development, 40(1), 49-62.

Thomsen, S. P., Lopesi, L., & Leenen-Young, M. (2021). Introduction: Charting provocations and exploring new directions for pacific research in Aotearoa–New Zealand from Pacific early career academic (PECA) perspectives. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 33, 1-9.

Pacific Education Books

Books about education in the Pacific Islands are mostly in the Macmillan Brown Library. Try searching using the catalogue using the subject keywords education oceania or education and the name of the country.

Books about Pasifika education in New Zealand are in both the Macmillan Brown and Central libraries. Try these subject keywords : Pacific Islanders Education Zealand

Pacific Language Resources

Pacific Readers in the Central Library

Pacific Island readers for schools are in the Central Library. Seach the catalogue using keywords this format: Niuean language readers ; Samoan language readers. For bilingual readers, use this format Samoan language bilingual.

Pacific Language Documents in the New Zealand Curriculum

All are available from the Library and Vagahau Niue is also online:

NZ Pacific Picture Book Collection. Lists selected Pasifika picture books and provides activities to use with them.

Pasifika Language Resources on TKI

Dictionary of Cook Island Languages 

Pacific Teaching Resources Online