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Social Work | Tauwhiro Hapori: Youth

UC Library Guide for Social Work

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Most recent library books will be available electronically. HQ796 - HQ799 on level 8 is the general area for youth studies. Other books may be dispersed throughout the collection depending on the topic. 

Following is a selected range of useful books:

Aggleton, P., Cover, R., Leahy, D., Marshall, D. & Rasmussen, M. L. (2019). Youth, sexuality and sexual citizenship. Routledge. (ebook)

Arnett, J. J. (2004). Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties. Oxford University Press. (ebook)

Bennett, A., & Robards, B. (Eds.). (2014). Mediated youth cultures: The internet, belonging and new cultural configurations. Palgrave Macmillan. (ebook)

Bessant, J. (2020). Making-up people: Youth, truth and politics. Routledge (ebook)

Bessant, J., Collin, P. & O'Keeffe, P. (Eds.). (2024). Research handbook on the sociology of youth. Edward Elgar

Braungart, R. G., & Braungart, M. M. (2023). Youth movements and generational politics, 19th-21st centuries. Anthem Press

Brickell, C. (2017). Teenagers: The rise of youth culture in New Zealand. Auckland University Press.  (ebook)

Buckingham, D., Bragg, S., & Kehily, M. J. (2014). Youth cultures in the age of global media. Palgrave. 

Cover, R. (2019) Emergent identities: New sexualities, genders and relationships in a digital era. Routledge. (ebook)

Dewey, S., & Brison, K. J. (Eds.). (2012). Super girls, gangstas, freeters, and xenomaniacs: Gender and modernity in global youth cultures. Syracuse University Press (ebook) - Chapter 9 - Negotiating agency: Local youth activism in Aotearoa New Zealand

Falk, G., & Falk, U. (2005). Youth culture and the generation gap. Algora. (ebook)

France, A. (2016). Understanding youth in the global economic crisis. Policy Press. (ebook)

France, A., Coffey, J., Roberts, S., & Waite, C. (2020). Youth sociology. Macmillan. 

Freitas, D. (2017). The happiness effect: How social media is driving a generation to appear perfect at any cost. Oxford University Press (ebook)

Furlong, A., & Cartmel, F. (2007). Young people and social change: New perspectives. Open University Press.(ebook)

Furlong, A. (Ed.). (2017).Routledge handbook of youth and young adulthood (2nd ed.). Routledge. (ebook)

Goldson, B. (Ed.). (2011). Youth in crisis? 'Gangs', territoriality and violence. Routledge. (ebook) 

Habib, S., & Ward, M. R. (Eds.). (2019). Youth, place and theories of belonging. Routledge (ebook)

Habib, S., & Ward, M. (Eds.). (2018). Identities, youth and belonging: International perspectives. Palgrave. (ebook)

Haenfler, R. (2023). Subcultures: The basics. Routledge. (ebook)

Harris, A., Cuervo, H., & Wyn, J. (2021). Thinking about belonging in youth studies. Palgrave Macmillan (ebook)

Hoskins, K., Genova, C., & Crowe, N. (2023). Digital youth subcultures: Performing "transgressive" identities in digital social spaces. Routledge. 

Hunt, G., Moloney, M., & Evans, K. (2010). Youth, drugs and nightlife. Routledge. (ebook)

Kehily, M. J. (2013). Youth as a social construction. In S. Curran, R. Harrison, & D. Mackinnon (Eds.), Working with young people (3rd ed., pp. 13-21). Sage. (ebook)

Kelly, P., & Kamp, A. (2015). A critical youth studies for the 21st century. Brill. (Chapter 22: Re-imaging youth participation in the 21st century: Young people in Aotearoa New Zealand) (ebook)

Kelly, P., Cambell, P., & Howie, L. (2018). Rethinking young people's marginalisation: Beyond neo-liberal futures? Routledge. (ebook)

Knapp, G., & Krall, H. (2021). Youth cultures in a globalized world: Developments, analyses and perspectives. Springer. (ebook)

Nairn, K. M., Sligo, J., Showden, C. R., Matthews, K. R., & Kidman, J. (2022). Fierce hope: Youth activism in Aotearoa. Bridget Williams Books 

Nayak, A., & Kehily, M. J. (2013). Gender, youth and culture: Global masculinities and feminities. (2nd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. (ebook)

Talburt, S. (2018). Youth sexualities: Public feelings and contemporary cultural politics. Praeger

Temple-Smith, M. J., Moore, S., & Rosenthal, D. (2016). Sexuality in adolescence: The digital generation. Routledge. (ebook)

Tilleczek, K. C., & Campbell, V. M. (Eds.). (2019). Youth in the digital age: Paradox, promise, predicament. Routledge. (ebook)

Titzmann, P. F., & Jugert, P. (Eds.). (2020). Youth in superdiverse societies: Growing up with globalization, diversity, and acculturation. Routledge. (ebook)

White, R. D., Wyn, J., & Robards, B. (2017). Youth and society: Exploring the social dynamics of youth experience (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. (ebook)

Woodman, D., & Bennett, A. (Eds.). (2015). Youth cultures, transitions and generations: Bridging the gap in youth research. Palgrave Macmillan. (ebook)

Woodman, D., & Wyn, J. (2015). Youth and generation: Rethinking change and inequality in the lives of young people. Sage. (ebook)

Wyn, J., Cahill, H., Woodman, D., Cuervo, H., Leccardi, C., & Chesters, J. (Eds.). (2020). Youth and the new adulthood: Generations of change. Springer. (ebook)

Wyn, J., & White, R., (2013). Rethinking youth. Sage. (ebook)








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