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Library Subject Guides

Copyright at UC: For Teaching

What you can copy/use for students in the classroom and online?

This provides guidance for teaching staff when creating UC courses (for enrolled students) with content on LEARN. MOOC/edX courses are different - see guide for MOOCs.

The licences extend UC's ability to copy and distribute copyrighted content beyond the limits imposed by the Copyright Act.
Below is a brief description of coverage. More detailed information is available from the licensing agency:

  • Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ)
    The Copyright Licensing New Zealand Universities Licence allows you to copy:
    • up to 10% or one chapter of a printed book (whichever is greater),
    • one journal article from a periodical (or more if on the same subject),
    • up to 15 pages from books of short stories and poetry,
    • up to five articles per issue from a local or overseas newspaper (online or hard copy).
  • Screenrights
    The Screenrights licence allows streaming of radio and television broadcasts in a lecture or classroom.

Licence Warnings

Where material is used under a licence it should have the correct licence warning attached. Examples of these are available from the Copyright warnings tab in this box.

All material copied must be fully and accurately identified as to its source to enable CLNZ to make payments to the copyright owner(s).

The details required include:

  • Title of publication
  • Date of publication
  • Publisher
  • Title of the work or extract copied
  • Author of the work or extract copied
  • ISBN or ISSN
  • Pages copied

This information must be clearly marked on the copied work or extract. If printing physical copies, please supply a record of your use to the Library as this will be required for audit purposes.

If the material is being included in course notes or workbooks, then the copyright material used should be acknowledged in a bibliography or reference list in accordance with normal referencing standards -  see citations and referencing library webpage. Alternatively, a copyright notice identifying the copyright owner should be included on the material copied.

The appropriate warning notice should be attached to any work which is made under a licence held by UC (i.e. anything that grants more permissions than the standard NZ Copyright Act).

Music Warning Notice (OneMusic)

For music used under the APRA\AMCOS - One Music licence
These materials may be used only for Educational Purposes. They include extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licences. You may not copy or distribute any part of this material to any other person. Where the material is provided to you in electronic format you may download or print from it for your own use. You may not download or make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action for copyright infringement and/or disciplinary action by the University.

Hardcopy Material Warning Notice (CLNZ)

All hardcopy material and course readers copied under the licence provisions with CLNZ, whether in hard copy or electronic format, must be accompanied by the following copyright warning notice.

Hardcopy Material Warning Notice
This material is protected by copyright and has been copied by and solely for the educational purposes of the University under licence. You may not sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of this coursepack/material to any other person. Where provided to you in electronic format, you may only print from it for your own private study and research. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action for copyright infringement and/or disciplinary action by the University.

Radio and Television Warning Notice (Screenrights)

All material copied under the Screenrights licence (whether hardcopy or digital) must display the following
  1. ‘Made for the University of Canterbury’s educational purposes’.
  2. the title of the programme
  3. the date the copy was made

Copyright disclaimer for teaching content

Use to prevent misuse of your teaching material
These lecture slides have been prepared by ______________________ exclusively for teaching purposes at the University of Canterbury. Further use such as uploading to external websites is strictly prohibited.
The following material is not covered by the Copyright Licensing New Zealand Universities licence and must not be copied:
  • Any materials sourced from the internet or an electronic database
  • Printed music (including the words)
  • Loose maps and charts
  • House journals (i.e. publications for employees)
  • Photographs/ illustrations published separately from the original work
  • Works stipulating that they may not be copied under a copyright licence of this nature
  • Theses, dissertations, and student papers
  • Any materials designed for delivery in an institution overseas.

In some cases, you may need to seek permission from a rights holder to use their copyright material. Particularly in the case of academic authors, there is a good chance that they will be pleased to provide permission. You will need to keep a record of correspondence to demonstrate that permission has been given.
Below are guidelines for when seeking permission.

  • Greeting / Be polite
  • Who you are, where you’re from. 
  • What you want to use, and where you found it
  • How you want to use it, including information about whether it is for a MOOC, course codes, intent to host it (i.e., upload to Learn), intent to change it in any way. Be as complete and transparent as possible. 
  • Make a clear request for permission to use the item in the way that’s been outlined, and ask the holder to confirm they can give you permission to use the item, since some publisher agreements give the copyright to the publisher. 

Example letter (request for sustainable agriculture dataset for use in a MOOC course):

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to you from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where I am preparing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the topic of sustainable agriculture. While searching for resources, I discovered a dataset attributed to the following article, which lists you as the corresponding author: 

Smith, G., Nandwani, D., & Kankarla, V. (2017). Facilitating resilient rural-to-urban sustainable agriculture and rural communities. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 24(6), 485-501.

We found the dataset here:  

We’d like to use your dataset in the following ways:

We’ll use the dataset as a teaching aid in the MOOC Sustainable agriculture in developing countries (link to the MOOC description page). 
Adapt the dataset if necessary. For example, by removing rows that are not useful for the teaching and learning at hand. 
Host a (possibly adapted) copy of the dataset on our systems, accessible to all MOOC participants. Of course, we will include a citation for your paper with the dataset. 

If you are the copyright holder for this work, may we have permission to use the dataset in this way, please? If you don’t hold the rights to it, do you know who holds them?

Kind regards,

Dr. Robin Banks

Copyrighted works may be used in examination materials (such as exam questions) without restriction.

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copyright by ProSymbols from the Noun Project

Image credit: Copyright by ProSymbols from the Noun Project