This provides guidance for teaching staff when creating UC courses (for enrolled students) with content on LEARN. MOOC/edX courses are different - see guide for MOOCs.
Below is a brief description of coverage. More detailed information is available from the licensing agency:
Where material is used under a licence it should have the correct licence warning attached. Examples of these are available from the Copyright warnings tab in this box.
The details required include:
This information must be clearly marked on the copied work or extract. If printing physical copies, please supply a record of your use to the Library as this will be required for audit purposes.
If the material is being included in course notes or workbooks, then the copyright material used should be acknowledged in a bibliography or reference list in accordance with normal referencing standards - see citations and referencing library webpage. Alternatively, a copyright notice identifying the copyright owner should be included on the material copied.
All hardcopy material and course readers copied under the licence provisions with CLNZ, whether in hard copy or electronic format, must be accompanied by the following copyright warning notice.
In some cases, you may need to seek permission from a rights holder to use their copyright material. Particularly in the case of academic authors, there is a good chance that they will be pleased to provide permission. You will need to keep a record of correspondence to demonstrate that permission has been given.
Below are guidelines for when seeking permission.
Dear Dr. Smith,
I am writing to you from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where I am preparing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the topic of sustainable agriculture. While searching for resources, I discovered a dataset attributed to the following article, which lists you as the corresponding author:
Smith, G., Nandwani, D., & Kankarla, V. (2017). Facilitating resilient rural-to-urban sustainable agriculture and rural communities. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 24(6), 485-501.
We found the dataset here:
We’d like to use your dataset in the following ways:
We’ll use the dataset as a teaching aid in the MOOC Sustainable agriculture in developing countries (link to the MOOC description page).
Adapt the dataset if necessary. For example, by removing rows that are not useful for the teaching and learning at hand.
Host a (possibly adapted) copy of the dataset on our systems, accessible to all MOOC participants. Of course, we will include a citation for your paper with the dataset.
If you are the copyright holder for this work, may we have permission to use the dataset in this way, please? If you don’t hold the rights to it, do you know who holds them?
Kind regards,
Dr. Robin Banks
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Image credit: Copyright by ProSymbols from the Noun Project