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Library Subject Guides

New Zealand History: HIST128

Assessment 1: Primary Source Exercise


Topic (a) Contact:

Evaluate what ethnographic objects can tell us about the first human settlement of New Zealand.

Go to the Tangata Whenua Gallery, level 1 at Canterbury Museum or use the photos on flickr


Compare and contrast the ethnographic and natural history specimens collected and the writings on the Voyages of Discovery to New Zealand and around the Pacific.

Choose a resource from this page: If you liked the Banks’ Florilegium images, note that we also have ‘Captain Cook’s Florilegium’ which is a bound selection of the images. These items plus those published in the 1700s are primary resources for the purpose of this assessment.

Topic (b) Colonising the Land:

Critique selected writings from the Church Missionary Register, as an agent of colonisation.

  • Various Missionary Registers. Held behind the desk with some pages marked. Note New Zealand is referred to under ‘Australasia/Polynesia’ in the earlier editions then just ‘Australasia’. See the front of each book for the title. This is a gathering of reports from the field of Protestant missionary stations.


Analyse the New Zealand Company’s guides for immigrants and the Kemp purchase as examples of colonisation.

  • Wakefield, Edward Jerningham. The Hand-Book for New Zealand: Consisting of The Most Recent Information: Compiled for the Use of Intending Colonists by a Late Magistrate of the Colony Who Resided There During Four  Years. London: John W. Parker, 1848. Macmillan Brown Library Library DU 401 .W147 Edward Jerningham Wakefield worked for both the New Zealand Company and the Canterbury Association.
  • Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, et al. The British Colonization of New Zealand: Being an Account of the Principles, Objects, and Plans of the New Zealand Association : Together with Particulars Concerning the Position, Extent, Soil and Climate, Natural Productions, and Native Inhabitants of New Zealand. London: John W. Parker, 1837. Location: Macmillan Brown Library   Note: Library use only. Ask at service desk   DU 418 .W147 Edward Gibbon Wakefield was a director of the New Zealand Company from 1840-1849 (three years after the publication of this book)
  • Earp, George Butler. Hand-book for Intending Emigrants to the Southern Settlements of New Zealand.  London: W.S. Orr, 1849. Macmillan Brown Library DU 401 .N532 su vol.4 AND Du 407 .E12 includes Canterbury p.234-250 and Appendix on New Zealand Company including land for settlement (follow p. 286)


  • New Zealand Company, and Great Britain. Colonial Office. Copy of Correspondence between the New Zealand Company and Lord Stanley, Relative to the Affairs of New Zealand: Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 9 August 1845. 661. London: H.M.S.O, 1845. Location: Macmillan Brown Library   Note: Library use only. Ask at service desk   Call number: DU 418.1 .G786 1845 Proposal re land purchasing and land title.
  • New Zealand Company. Arrangements for the Adjustment of Questions Relating to Land in the Settlements of the New Zealand Company. London?:, 1848.  Location: Macmillan Brown Library   Note: Library use only. Ask at service desk   Call number: HD 1120.5 .A773 1848 Nelson Region
  • Kemp
  • Earp, George Butler. Hand-book for Intending Emigrants to the Southern Settlements of New Zealand London: W.S. Orr, 1849. Macmillan Brown Library Du 407 .E12 includes Canterbury p.234-250
  • Canterbury Association (London, England). Canterbury Papers : Information Concerning the Principles, Objects, Plans, & Proceedings of the Founders of the Settlement of Canterbury in New Zealand. London : The Association, 1850-1859. Macmillan Brown Library             DU 436 .C3 .C229 c
  • The Canterbury Settlement – various items from 1849-1873 Macmillan Brown Library Du 420 .C2295 Note: Reference individual contents separately

See also: 

Topic (c) Creating a 'New World' Colonial Nation:

Evaluate The White Ribbon writings in support of enfranchisement for New Zealand women.

  • 1885-1960 copies of The White Ribbon are held on microfiche 88/1.


Outline the key characteristics of primary schooling for Maori and Pakeha children between the years 1880-1930. 

Education Legislation:

Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (A to Js):

Native Schools

NZ Education (not Native Schools)

Papers Past:


Canterbury - The Press


  • Pope, James H. 1894. Health for the maori: A manual for use in native schools. Wellington: N.Z. Govt. Printer.   Link  

  • Pope, James H. 1901. Health for the maori: A manual for use in native schools. Wellington [N.Z.]: John MacKay, Government Printer.   Link

 Secondary sources:

  • Simon, Judith A., Kuni Jenkins, Kay Morris Matthews. 1995. The native schools system: Nga kura Māori no nga ra o mua : Research project progress report 1994. Auckland, New Zealand: Research Unit for Maori Education, University of Auckland.   Link

  • Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. 1998. The native schools system 1867-1969: Nga kura maori. Auckland, N.Z: Auckland University Press.   Link

  • Duffy, Simon M. 2002. Hokianga native schools, 1871-1900: Assimilation reconsidered : A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in history at Massey university.   Link

  • Pope, James H. 1904. The native school reader for standards II and III. Wellington, N.Z: John Mackay, Government Printer.   Link

  •  Simon, Judith A., Linda Tuhiwai Smith, L., Cram.,F  & the University of Auckland. International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education. 2001. A civilising mission?: Perceptions and representations of the native schools system. Auckland, N.Z: Auckland University Press.   Link

  •  New Zealand. Department of Education. 1917. The teaching of english in native schools: The direct, or natural, method. Wellington [N.Z.]: Govt. Printer, .   Link

  • Pope, James H. 1997. Health for the maori: A manual for use in native schools. Christchurch [N.Z.]: Kiwi Publishers.   Link

  • McGeorge, Colin. 2001. The mobility, status and qualifications of native school teachers: 1880-1920. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 36 (2): 171-85.   Link

  • Education: Conference of Inspectors of Schools and Teachers’ representatives . E-1c.  Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1904 E-1c.

Background/Introductory reading:

Topic (d) War & Eugenics

Evaluate what can be learnt about the creation of the ‘ANZAC legend’ from the letters of Roy Bruce?

Archive: MB 2415 Roy Bruce letters (can request online, by putting the Collection number in KK and requesting the letter you wish to view) Also available online through


Analyse the public education messages behind the Physical Health Movement between the years 1920-1940s

Archives: MB 1186 Youth Hostel Association of New Zealand Inc [YHANZ] records, Sunlight League Log Book, item 5280  (available to request online through Ka Kohika using the reference number).


Topic (e) A topic of your own choosing in consultation with Dr Fisher

Boats: Endeavour/Māori voyaging vessels

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery / edited by J.C. Beaglehole. Vol. 1. The voyage of the Endeavour, 1768-1771 Bib#: 719098 Use index: Endeavour, instruments etc

The Charts & Coastal Views of Captain Cook's voyages / chief editor, Andrew David  Bib#: 217721 also check The Journals of Captain Cook: Charts and Views also on O/S 18

His Majesty's Bark Endeavour: The Story of the Ship and Her People. Bib#: 634768 (secondary source)

Ngā Waka o Nehera: The First Voyaging Canoes. Macmillan Brown Library      
Aotearoa Room. Library use only      DU 412.5 .B6 .E92 
Then follow subject headings from this record, starting with Māori – boats

Parkinson, Stanfield. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's Ship, the Endeavour  Macmillan Brown Library Library use only. Ask at service desk G 420 .C771 .P248 Use the facsimile copy to browse for images of waka.

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Damian Cairns
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