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Library Subject Guides

1. Plan your Research: UC Research Guidelines

A guide for starting your research at University of Canterbury

The PhD Lifecycle

Dealing with your supervisor

The process of starting research study at UC depends on your background and your research interest. First, you investigate our research staff to find if someone has a mutual interest in your topic, who may be a potential supervisor for your research. Then you contact them to discuss if they will be your supervisor or if there is another potential supervisor.

Find a Supervisor


The University of Canterbury aims to promote excellent and ethical research.

The University of Canterbury has two Human Ethics Committees for either research or teaching and learning proposals involving human participants.

Human Ethics Policy

Animal Ethics Policy

If further assistance is required for Ethics or Ethical approval the Ethics office can be contacted.

Policies, Regulations & Guidelines

Who to Contact

Dave Lane

Phone: +6433693903
Internal Phone: 93903