Lexis AdvanceThis link opens in a new windowLegal resources from New Zealand and Australia, including legislation, case law, books, online commentaries and journal articles.
Westlaw NZThis link opens in a new windowLegal resources from New Zealand , including legislation, case law, books, online commentaries and journal articles.
CCH iKnowConnectThis link opens in a new windowLegal resources from New Zealand and Australia, including legislation, case law and online commentaries.
HeinOnline This link opens in a new windowAccess to legal journals, books, cases and reports
ICLR OnlineThis link opens in a new windowThe official law reports of England and Wales published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting.
Westlaw Australia This link opens in a new windowLegal resources from Australia, including legislation, case law, books, online commentaries and journal articles.
Westlaw CanadaThis link opens in a new windowContains Canadian law reports including, among others, Canadian Criminal Cases, the Dominion Law Reports and Labour Arbitration Cases.
Westlaw InternationalThis link opens in a new windowLegal resources from the United States, Australia, Canada, the European Union, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, including legislation, case law, books, online commentaries and journal articles.
vLex JustisThis link opens in a new windowAccess to the International Law Reports and vLex's case citator for most common law countries.