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Classics:   Journal Title Abbreviations


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Classics Journal Abbreviations from L'Année Philologique – English-language titles only


Journal  title

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z
AASO Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (Check UC online access)
ABSA The Annual of the British School at Athens (Holdings at UC Library)
ABull The Art Bulletin (Check UC online access)
AEH Archives of Economic History
AH Ancient History: Resources for Teachers (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
AHB The Ancient History Bulletin
AHES Archive for History of Exact Sciences (Check UC online access)
AHR The American Historical Review (Check UC online access)
AJ The Archaeological Journal
AJA American Journal of Archaeology (Holdings at UC Library)
AJAH American Journal of Ancient History (Holdings at UC Library)
AJN American Journal of Numismatics
AJPh American Journal of Philology (Holdings at UC Library)
Ambix Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Chemistry (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
AncPhil Ancient Philosophy
AncSoc Ancient Society
Anc W The Ancient World: a Scholarly Journal for the Study of Antiquity (Holdings at UC Library)
Antichthon Antichthon: Journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
Antiquity Antiquity (archaeology; subtitle varies) (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
AntJ The Antiquaries Journal (Holdings at UC Library)
Aperion Aperion: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
APhQ American Philosophical Quarterly (Check UC online access)
AR Archaeological Reports: Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
ArchN Archaeological News
Arethusa Arethusa (Holdings at UC Library)
Arion Arion: a Journal of Humanities and the Classics (Holdings at UC Library)
ARP Accordia Research Papers: the Journal of Accordia Research Centre
AS Anatolian Studies: Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (Holdings at UC Library)
ASE Anglo-Saxon England (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
AugStud Augustinian Studies
AUMLA AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association (Check UC Library catalogue)
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BASO Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (Check UC online access)
BASP The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (Holdings at UC Library)
Berytus Berytus: Archaeological Studies
BES Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar
BHM Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
BICS Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
BJHP British Journal for the History of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
BJHS British Journal for the History of Science (Check UC online access)
BLR The Bodleian Library Record
BMCRev Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Holdings at UC Library)
BMM The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (Check UC online access)
BMusUM Bulletin (of the) Museums of Art and Archaeology (of) the University of Michigan
BNJ British Numismatic Journal (Check UC online access)
BritAB British Archaeological Bibliography
Britannia Britannia: a Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
BRL Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (Check UC online access)
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CArchJ Cambridge Archaeological Journal (Holdings at UC Library)
CB The Classical Bulletin: a Journal of International Scholarship and Special Topics (Holdings at UC Library)
Centaurus Centaurus (history of mathematics, science, technology) (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
ChHist Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture (Check UC online access)
CHR The Catholic Historical Review (Check UC online access)
CHum Computers and the Humanities (Check UC online access)
CJ The Classical Journal (Holdings at UC Library)
CJPh Canadian Journal of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
ClAnt Classical Antiquity (Holdings at UC Library)
Classics Ireland Classics Ireland
CLS Comparative Literature Studies (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
CML CML: Classical and Modern Literature
CO The Classical Outlook: Journal of the American Classical League
ColbyQ Colby Quarterly (Check UC online access)
CompLit Comparative Literature (American Comparative Literature Association) (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
CPh Classical Philology: a Journal devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity (Holdings at UC Library)
CPhRev Canadian Philosophical Review (Check UC online access)
CQ Classical Quarterly (Holdings at UC Library)
CR Classical Review (Holdings at UC Library)
CRCL Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History: an International Quarterly (Check UC online access)
CW Classical World (Holdings at UC Library)
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DA Dissertation Abstracts: International Abstracts of Dissertations
Dialectica Dialectica (European Society of Analytic Philosophy) (Check UC online access)
Dialogue Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review (Check UC online access)
Dionysius Dionysius (Holdings at UC Library)
DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Check UC online access)
DR Downside Review (Check UC online access)
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EHR The English Historical Review (Check UC online access)
ElectronAnt Electronic Antiquity (Holdings at UC Library)
EtrStud Etruscan Studies: Journal of the Etruscan Foundation
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Florilegium Florilegium (Check UC online access)
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z
Gesnerus Gesnerus: Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences
GJ The Geographical Journal (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
GmusJ The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal (Check UC online access)
G&R Greece and Rome (Holdings at UC Library)
GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
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HebrUCA Hebrew Union College Annual (Check UC Library catalogue)
Helios Helios: a Journal devoted to Critical and Methodological Studies of Classical Culture (Holdings at UC Library)
Hellas Hellas: a Journal of Poetry and the Humanities
Hermathena Hermathena: a Trinity College Dublin Review (Check UC online access)
Hesperia Hesperia: the Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Holdings at UC Library)
History History: the Journal of the Historical Association (Check UC online access)
Histos Histos: the New Electronic Journal of Ancient Historiography (Check UC online access)
HLB Harvard Library Bulletin (Check UC online access)
HM Historia Mathematica (Check UC online access)
HPhQ History of Philosophy Quarterly (Check UC online access)
HPLS History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (Check UC online access)
HPTh History of Political Thought (Check UC online access)
HR History of Religions (Check UC online access)
HS History of Science: a Review of Literature and Research in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology in its Intellectual and Social Context (Check UC online access)
HSPh Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (Holdings at UC Library)
H&T History & Theory: Studies in Philosophy of History (Check UC online access)
HTechn History of Technology (Check UC Library catalogue)
HThR Harvard Theological Review (Check UC online access)
HumLov Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies (Check UC online access)
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ICS Illinois Classical Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal
IJCT International Journal of the Classical Tradition (Holdings at UC Library)
IJM International Journal of Musicology
IJNA The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (Check UC online access)
IJPS International Journal of Philosophical Studies (Check UC online access)
Index Index: International Survey of Roman Law
Interpretation Interpretation: Journal of Political Philosophy
IPQ International Philosophical Quarterly
Iran Iran: the Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies (Check UC online access)
Isis Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society (Check UC online access)
ISPh International Studies in Philosophy
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JAC Journal of Ancient Civilizations
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Holdings at UC Library)
JAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
JBAA Journal of the British Archaeological Association (Check UC online access)
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature (Check UC online access)
JCS Journal of Classical Studies (Check UC online access)
JEA The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (Holdings at UC Library)
JECS Journal of Early Christian Studies (Check UC online access)
JEH Journal of Ecclesiastical History (Check UC online access)
JESHO Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient (Check UC online access)
JEurArch Journal of European Archaeology (Check UC online access)
JFA Journal of Field Archaeology (Check UC online access)
JHA Journal for the History of Astronomy (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
JHAS Journal for the History of Arabic Science
JHB Journal of the History of Biology (Check UC online access)
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas (Check UC online access)
JHM Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (Check UC online access)
JHPh Journal of the History of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
JHS The Journal of Hellenic Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
JHSex Journal of the History of Sexuality (Check UC online access)
JIES The Journal of Indo-European Studies (Check UC Library catalogue)
JJP The Journal of Juristic Papyrology (Check UC online access)
JMA Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology (Check UC online access)
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Check UC online access)
JNStud The Journal of Neoplatonic Studies
JPh The Journal of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
JPR Journal of Prehistoric Religion
JR The Journal of Religion (Check UC online access)
JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology (Holdings at UC Library)
JRH Journal of Religious History (Check UC online access)
JRMES Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies: Dedicated to the Study of the Weapons, Armour, and Military Fittings of the Armies and Enemies of Rome and Byzantium
JRS The Journal of Roman Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
JSAH Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Check UC online access)
JSJ Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period (Check UC online access)
JThS The Journal of Theological Studies (Check UC online access)
JWAG Journal of the Walters Art Gallery (Check UC online access)
JWI Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (Check UC online access)


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Kodai Kodai: Journal of Ancient History
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Language Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America (Check UC online access)
LCM Liverpool Classical Monthly (Holdings at UC Library)
Levant Levant: the Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant (Check UC online access)
LibAnt Libya Antiqua: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Libya
LibStud Libyan Studies (Check UC online access)
Lingua Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
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Manuscripta Manuscripta: a Journal for Manuscript Research (Check UC Library catalogue)
MedArch Mediterranean Archaeology: Australian and New Zealand Journal for the Archaeology of the Mediterranean World (Holdings at UC Library)
MedHist Medical History: a Quarterly Journal Devoted to the History of Medicine and Related Sciences (Check UC online access)
Mediterraneus Mediterraneus: Annual Report of the Collegium Mediterranistarum
MHR Mediterranean Historical Review (Check UC online access)
Mind Mind: a Quarterly Review of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
MMJ Metropolitan Museum Journal (Check UC online access)
ModSch The Modern Schoolman: a Quarterly Journal of Philosophy
MS Mediaeval Studies (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
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NECN New England Classical Journal (Check UC online access)
Nestor Nestor: Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas (Check UC online access)
NTA New Testament Abstracts: a Record of Current Literature
NTS New Testament Studies (Check UC online access)
Numen Numen: International Review for the History of Religions (Check UC online access)
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OJA Oxford Journal of Archaeology (Check UC online access)
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PACPhA Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association
PalEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly (Check UC online access)
PAPhS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (Check UC online access)
PAS Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Check UC online access)
PAS(suppl) Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Supplementary volume (Check UC online access)
PBA Proceedings of the British Academy (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
PBSR Papers of the British School at Rome (Holdings at UC Library)
PCA Proceedings of the Classical Association (Holdings at UC Library)
PCPhS Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society (Check UC Library catalogue)
Pegasus Pegasus: the Journal of the Exeter University Classical Society (Check UC online access)
PF The Philosophical Forum: a Philosophical Quarterly (Check UC online access)
PhB Philosophical Books (Check UC online access)
PhH Pharmacy in History (Check UC online access)
Philosophy Philosophy: the Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
PhilosQ The Philosophical Quarterly (Check UC online access)
Ph&Lit Philosophy and Literature (Check UC online access)
Phoenix Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada (Holdings at UC Library)
Ph&PhenR Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (Check UC online access)
PhQ Philological Quarterly (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
PhR The Philosophical Review (Check UC online access)
PhRev Philosophy in Review (Check UC online access)
Ph&Rh Philosophy and Rhetoric (Check UC online access)
Phronesis Phronesis: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy (Holdings at UC Library)
Ploutarchos Ploutarchos: Journal of the International Plutarch Society
P & P Past and Present: a Journal of Historical Studies (Check UC online access)
PLLS Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar
Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar
Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar
   NB. same organisation with change of name (Holdings at UC Library)
PRIA Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
Prudentia Prudentia: a Journal Devoted to the Thought, Literature and History of the Ancient World, and to their Tradition (Holdings at UC Library)
PSN The Petronian Society Newsletter
PVS Proceedings of the Virgil Society (Check UC online access)
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QJS The Quarterly Journal of Speech (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
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Ramus Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature (Holdings at UC Library)
Religion Religion: Journal of Religion and Religions
RelStud Religious Studies: an International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion (Check UC online access)
RenQ Renaissance Quarterly (Check UC online access)
Rhetorica Rhetorica: a Journal of the History of Rhetoric (Check UC online access)
RhetR Rhetoric Review: a Journal of Rhetoric and Composition (Check UC online access)
RMeta The Review of Metaphysics: a Philosophical Quarterly (Check UC online access)
RSQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly (Check UC online access)
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SAMPhN Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter
SAMR Society for Ancient Medicine Review
Scholia Scholia: Natal Studies in Classical Antiquity (Holdings at UC Library)
SCI Scripta Classica Israelica (Check UC online access)
SHPS Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (Check UC online access)
SJPh The Southern Journal of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
SO Symbolae Osloenses: Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
Speculum Speculum: a Journal of Medieval Studies (Check UC online access)
SPh Studies in Philology (Check UC online access)
SR Studies in Religion = Sciences religieuses (Check UC online access)
StudLang Studies in Language: International Journal Sponsored by the Foundations of Language (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
StudPhilon The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism
SyllClass Syllecta Classica
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TAPhA Transactions of the American Philological Association (Check UC online access)
TAPhS Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (Check UC online access)
T&C Technology and Culture: the International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology (Check UC online access)
Teiresias Teiresias: a Review and Continuing Bibliography of Boiotian Studies (Check UC online access)
Temenos Temonos: Studies in Comparative Religion presented by scholars in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
Theoria Theoria: a Swedish Journal of Philosophy (Check UC online access)
Thomist The Thomist: a Speculative Quarterly Review (Check UC online access)
ThS Theological Studies (Check UC online access)
TJ Trinity Journal
TLS TLS: the Times Literary Supplement (Check UC Library catalogue)
TPhS Transactions of the Philological Society: an International Journal for the Structure, History and Relationships of Languages (Check UC online access)
Traditio Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion (Check UC online access)
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Viator Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Check UC Library catalogue and UC online access)
Vivarium Vivarium: an International Journal for the Philosophy and the Intellectual life of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Check UC online access)
VT Vetus Testamentum: a Quarterly published by the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (Check UC online access)
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Word Word: Journal of the International Linguistic Association (Check UC online access)
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YCIS Yale Classical Studies (Holdings at UC Library)
YJC The Yale Journal of Criticism (Check UC online access)
YLG The Yale University Library Gazette (Check UC online access)
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ZAC Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum = Journal of Ancient Christianity