Fulltext newspaper articles. Limit by company, publication or country
Business Source Complete
Limit to Trade Publication to find industry news
Very detailed financial data on companies and industries can be found from the range of financial databases available via the Library
There is a wide range of statistical databases from Statistics New Zealand and other sources which can provide industry statistics, including detailed export and import data.
New Zealand Companies
NZX Company Research (annual reports for NZX listed and delisted companies)
New Zealand Companies Office
Brief information on registered New Zealand companies
Global company reports
Millions of company reports are available via the ORBIS database.
Annual reports in the library
The library holds a historical collection of some older annual reports from local companies.
Type the name of the company into the Library Catalogue to find our holdings.
New Zealand and international data from Euromonitor International
Market Information Digest
Nielsen company scantrack data from New Zealand supermarkets
Orbis - click Industry Tab
Provides industry reports from MarketLine
Business Source Complete
Type industry into the search box. Select Publication type to Industry Profile or Market Research Report. Include New Zealand in the search box for local information.
NZ Government sources
Ministry of Business Innovation and Enterprise
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Includes market research, information on exporting etc.