The Library provides some modified and additional Filters and Styles.
Note that any zipped files need to be 'unzipped' i.e. right-click and choose the extract command. Copy these files to your EndNote file folder location.
If you just need the APA 7th style, note that this is not 'zipped'. Just save it into your styles folder.
C:/Progam Files (x86)/EndNote 20/Styles
You will be asked for your UC login.
Complete the ServiceNow form and you will be emailed the download link and access code, along with instructions for installing EndNote on your own device.
If you have any questions about installing EndNote, please contact Digital Services: IT Service Desk | University of Canterbury
We recommend that you create footnotes using your word processor, and then insert the citations into the footnotes using special styles for footnotes: either Chicago 16th A or MLA (MLA-italics). For law referencing, see the page specifically on the NZLSG style.
Inserting References in Footnotes in a Microsoft Word Document
Method 1
Method 2
Click Insert > Reference > Footnote (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+f)
Inserting a page break before bibliography
You must insert a Page Break before the bibliography at the end of the document. This will ensure your bibliography is printed on a separate page at the end of your document, while the footnotes will appear at the bottom of each page correctly formatted.
To do this: