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Library Subject Guides

EndNote Guide: Using journal abbreviations

EndNote Files

Downloading EndNote

Request EndNote Access

You will be asked for your UC login.

Complete the ServiceNow form and you will be emailed the download link and access code, along with instructions for installing EndNote on your own device. 

If you have any questions about installing EndNote, please contact Digital Services: IT Service Desk | University of Canterbury

Additional Files

The Library provides some modified and additional Filters and Styles.

Note that any zipped files need to be 'unzipped' i.e. right-click and choose the extract command. Copy these files to your EndNote file folder location.

If you just need the APA 7th style, note that this is not 'zipped'. Just save it into your styles folder.

C:/Progam Files (x86)/EndNote 20/Styles



Some styles require journal titles to be abbreviated.

Set up in EndNote

  1. Click Library
  2. Select Open term lists then Journals term list
  3. If a term list is installed you'll see something like "... Journals in the Journals List"
  4. To install a new term list (will replace the old list), click the Lists tab
  5. Highlight Journals
  6. Click Import List...
  7. Browse to your EndNote folder and look for the Term lists folder;
    or, download one of the bigger terms lists from Lincoln University and use that file instead;
    or, for Chemistry journals, use the UC Chemistry Journal Terms List.
  8. Open the list.
  9. Click Close
  10. If you want to double-check that the list is imported, repeat steps 1–3

These instructions import the term lists that come with EndNote.

Turn off auto-update

It is recommended that the default auto-update of terms lists be turned off, as that helps to prevent unwanted changes to the list. Go to Edit > Preferences > Terms Lists, and untick the boxes “Update lists when importing…” and “Update lists during data entry”

Adding new abbreviations

You can add new abbreviations for journals not appearing in the original terms list. Go to Library > Open Terms Lists > Journal Terms List.

  • Find the full journal title and click the “Edit Term” button; or,
  • If the journal title is not in the terms list, click the “New Term” button, and then enter the full journal title and the abbreviation

Journal abbreviation resources on the web