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Library Subject Guides

EndNote Guide: Word processors other than Word (including Word Starter)

Additional Files

The Library provides some modified and additional Filters and Styles.

Note that any zipped files need to be 'unzipped' i.e. right-click and choose the extract command. Copy these files to your EndNote file folder location.

If you just need the APA 7th style, note that this is not 'zipped'. Just save it into your styles folder.

C:/Progam Files (x86)/EndNote 20/Styles


EndNote Files

Downloading EndNote

Request EndNote Access

You will be asked for your UC login.

Complete the ServiceNow form and you will be emailed the download link and access code, along with instructions for installing EndNote on your own device. 

If you have any questions about installing EndNote, please contact Digital Services: IT Service Desk | University of Canterbury

Other Word Processors

Compatibility with EndNote’s Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) Tools

Microsoft Word and a few other common word processors are compatible with EndNote’s Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) tools

  • Note that Word Starter, the cut-down version of Word, is not compatible with CWYW tools

If you use a word processor that is not CWYW compatible, you can use EndNote’s Format Paper feature to format citations and generate a list of references.

Using EndNote with a CWYW-Incompatible Word Processor (Including Google Docs)

Writing the Paper in the Word Processor

  • In EndNote, select the reference you want by clicking on it. If you need more than one reference at a time, hold down Ctrl key as you click
  • Press Ctrl+C to copy the references
  • Switch to the word processor
    • Hint: use Alt+Tab to switch between programs
  • Place the cursor where the in-text citation is to be inserted. Press Ctrl+V to paste the reference
    • These citations will be temporary citations. For Example {Hak, 2016 #1}.  These will be changed to proper citations when the document is formatted in the instructions below.
    • There are various controls used to change the format of the in-text references (see Method 2 - Unformatted citations); for example, to add page numbers or to change “(Smith, 2013)” to “Smith (2013)”. Several controls can be used in one citation
  • At the bottom of the document, add a new page with a page break (shortcut Ctrl+Enter), add the heading required (for example, “Reference List” or “Bibliography”), and press Enter a few times so the cursor is placed where you want the list of references to begin


To Generate the Paper with Formatted Citations and References

  • In the word processor, create a copy of the document in RTF format. Typically this is done via File > Save As > Rich Text Format
  • In EndNote, open the library if necessary, and ensure that the correct output style is selected (top left-hand corner of screen)
  • Click Tools > Format Paper >Format Paper… > select the RTF file > Open button
    EndNote will check that the citations in the paper are matched in the EndNote library
  • Check the correct output style is selected (bottom right of screen), and then click the Format button
  • A new RTF document will be generated > Save
  • In the word processor, open the newly generated RTF document