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The Library provides some modified and additional Filters and Styles.
Note that any zipped files need to be 'unzipped' i.e. right-click and choose the extract command. Copy these files to your EndNote file folder location.
If you just need the APA 7th style, note that this is not 'zipped'. Just save it into your styles folder.
C:/Progam Files (x86)/EndNote 20/Styles
EndNote can be useful for storing citations and doing much of the necessary punctuation for the style. You will still need to be familiar with the NZLSG style, for example know when ( ) or [ ] are required around a year.
The NZLSG EndNote style file is included on all UC computers as part of the standard installation. For EndNote on your personal computer, you will find the NZLSG style included if you have downloaded the Additional Files ‘EndNote styles’ zip file or ‘EndNote Law styles’ zip file (in the left-hand panel on this webpage).
Right-click NZLSG-3rd-Canterbury.enlx > click Save Link/Target As... > place in a convenient folder, such as the one in which your Word documents are filed
To ensure correct output, make sure you do the following:
If there is a main and subordinate part, put two commas between the parts, eg
University of Canterbury,, School of Law
Enter titles with the capitalisation required by the New Zealand Law Style Guide (“capital letters”).
Use the following Alt codes to enter special characters in EndNote (Alt+# means: hold down the Alt key while typing the number on the number keypad):
URLs should be entered into the URL field without brackets.
It may save time to Copy (Ctrl+c) and Paste (Ctrl+p) an existing reference in the EndNote Library. Edit the new reference, using the old details as a guide.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Case
Year Decided: enter the year of the citation. (This is not used by EndNote to create the reference, but can be helpful when looking at cases in EndNote)
Case Name: enter the case name. There is no need to italicise, as EndNote will italicise for you.
If the case name begins “A v ” put a non-breaking space after “A” (Alt+0160), otherwise EndNote will sort the case name incorrectly under “v”.
Reporter: enter the rest of the citation.
Label: enter the label matching the citation (1a, 1au, 1c, 1u, 1us for New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK and US). The label field is the first field used to sort the Bibliography. If you require other jurisdictions, create a new label (for example, 1b. Bermuda).
Reference Type drop-down: choose Statute, Bill, Legal Rule or Regulation, or Catalog as appropriate.
Year: enter the year of the citation. (This is not used by EndNote to create the reference, but can be helpful when looking at legislation in EndNote)
Name of Act: enter the short title, including the year.
Label: enter the label matching the citation
Reference Type drop-down: choose Statute for Treaties; Catalog or Generic for most other International Materials
Year: enter the year the treaty came into force. (This is not used by EndNote to create the reference, but can be helpful when looking at treaties in EndNote)
Name of Act: enter all details of the treaty.
Label: enter the label 3. Treaties and International
Reference Type drop-down: choose Book or Edited Book
Author: enter the authors, each author on a separate line.
Editor: enter the editors, each editor on a separate line.
Year: enter the year of publication.
Title: enter the title. There is no need to italicise.
City: enter the city of publication.
Publisher: enter the publisher’s name.
Edition: enter the edition if required. Do not enter "ed" as EndNote will add that automatically.
Label: enter the label 4. Books, Chapters, Commentaries, Encyclopedias.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Book Section
Author: enter the authors of the essay, each author on a separate line.
Year: enter the year of publication.
Title: enter the title of the essay. Do not enclose in “ ” as EndNote will add the punctuation automatically.
Editor: enter the editors of the book, each editor on a separate line.
Book Title: enter the title of the book. There is no need to italicise.
City: enter the city of publication.
Publisher: enter the publisher's name.
Pages: enter the page number on which the essay begins.
Edition: enter the edition if required. Do not enter “ed” as EndNote will add that automatically.
Label: enter the label 4. Books, Chapters, Commentaries, Encyclopedias.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Encyclopedia
Edition: enter online. Do not enter "ed" as EndNote will add that automatically.
Label: enter the label 4. Books, Chapters, Commentaries, Encyclopedias.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Journal Article
Author: enter the authors of the article, each author on a separate line.
Year: enter the year of publication. Enclose in ( ) or [ ] as required by the referencing style.
Title: enter the title of the article. Do not enclose in "" as EndNote will add the punctuation automatically.
Journal: enter the correct abbreviation for the title of the journal (NZLSG 6.4.6).
Volume: enter the volume number if there is one.
Start Page: enter the page on which the article starts.
Label: enter the label 5. Journal Articles.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Report
Author: enter Law Commission, (note the trailing comma)
Year: enter the year of publication.
Title: enter the title.
Document Number: enter the abbreviations for the official citation, eg NZLC PP12
Label: enter the label 6. Parliamentary and Government.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Catalog
Title: enter NZPD
Label: enter 6. Parliamentary and Government.
Note: In footnotes in Word, type the the date and volume details before inserting the EndNote citation, and type the pinpoint reference after the EndNote citation.
Reference Type drop-down: choose Web Page (or Generic if there is no date of publication)
Author: enter the authors, each author on a separate line.
Year: enter the year of publication.
Title: enter the title of the document.
Place Published: enter the Web site name.
Last Update Date: enter the date details (without the year) if available.
Label: enter the label 10. Internet Resources.
URL: enter the Web address, Do not type the < > as EndNote will add them automatically. For addresses starting “www” omit the leading “https://” (NZLSG 7.1.6).
For guidance on using EndNote for other types of references or complex citations:
Check that the correct style is selected: In Word, in the EndNote ribbon NZLSG_3rd_Canterbury should be selected in the Style drop-down (in the Bibliography group in the ribbon).
If another style is currently selected, click the drop-down > Select Another Style... > click NZLSG_3rd_Canterbury on the list > OK.
For shorter documents, it is probably easier to keep EndNote’s instant formatting turned on, as it is easier to edit citations to add pinpoint references. For longer documents, instant formatting may slow down Word too much, and if this occurs, turn instant formatting off.
You may find it easier to work with citations in Word if the EndNote fields are always highlighted while editing the document. To enable this, click File > Options > Advanced > in the Show document content area, choose “Always” in the Field shading drop-down > OK.
Insert references by first inserting a footnote in Word (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+f). Then insert the reference into the footnote using the Insert Citation icon in Word’s Endnote Toolbar. You should type the full stop at the end of the citation.
You can use EndNote to insert subsequent references. In most cases, EndNote will insert “At ” for an immediately subsequent citation and the beginning of the footnote for later citations. It is best to use Word’s cross-reference function to keep track of footnote numbers: Instructions on Word's cross-reference function are provided on the Law Subject Guide.
If you come to add a footnote that is placed between existing footnotes, be aware that EndNote may automatically change an “At ” footnote to an "above n x"-type footnote. Likewise, if you remove an intervening footnote, EndNote will automatically change the citation to “At ”, but there will still be a trailing number from the old cross reference.
For some reference types in which the cross-referencing can be more complex, you will occasionally get the first part of the citation followed by the note "previously cited: remove this citation and make cross-reference instead". If you wish, you can copy-and-paste the first part of the citation, and then complete the citation manually. Delete the EndNote citation by moving the cursor within the citation, click the Edit & Manage Citation(s) button in the EndNote ribbon in Word, click the Edit Reference drop-down (at the top right), choose Remove Citation, and click OK.
Statutes can be inserted either into the body of the Word document or into footnotes. In the body of the Word document, simply insert the citation as normal and type the required pinpoint references.
In most cases pinpoint references can simply be typed after inserting the EndNote citation in a footnote.
In a few cases, pinpoints must be added before the final element of the reference. In these cases, insert the pinpoint using Edit & Manage Citation(s); put the pinpoint in the Pages field.
References in the Bibliography are sorted by Label, Author, then Title.
The layout conforms to the UC Bibliography Guide (rather than the layout suggested in Appendix 7 of the NZLSG manual).
In the library created in section 1b above, there is a group called Bibliography Headings. Once you know what types of references you have used in your document, insert the relevant headings’ references into the text of your document (ie not as a footnote). In EndNote click the Bibliography Headings group on the left-hand pane, and select references by holding down the Ctrl button and clicking on the references needed. Then in Word, move your cursor to the chosen place in the document and Insert Citations.
The references will not appear in text of your document, but only as headings in the bibliography; for this reason, it is best to put them at a place easy to find again (such as right at the end of your text but before the bibliography).
For example, if you have New Zealand and UK cases, New Zealand Statutes, Books and Journal Articles, you would select (as identified from the Year and Journal/Secondary Title fields): Cases-Cases; New Zealand-Cases; United Kingdom-Cases; Statutes-Statutes; New Zealand-Statutes; Books, Chapters, Commentaries, Encyclopedias; Journal Articles.
As a final step, when you have finished editing your document, click Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text in Word's EndNote ribbon to create a “clean” copy of your document. Save it with a different filename from the original EndNote-embedded document.
EndNote will sometimes add unwanted double spaces in footnotes. Use Word’s Replace function to replace every double space with a single space.
Note that if you change any citations or bibliography entries in the EndNote-embedded Word document, EndNote will wipe out any changes as soon as another citation is added. Converting to Plain Text allows you to make any adjustments to references that EndNote might not have handled perfectly.
Contact John Arnold (Central Library) for assistance in using EndNote for law citation.