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Library Subject Guides

EndNote Guide: Problems with author names

EndNote Files

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Additional Files

The Library provides some modified and additional Filters and Styles.

Note that any zipped files need to be 'unzipped' i.e. right-click and choose the extract command. Copy these files to your EndNote file folder location.

If you just need the APA 7th style, note that this is not 'zipped'. Just save it into your styles folder.

C:/Progam Files (x86)/EndNote 20/Styles


Author Names

Author and editor names cause most of the reported problems in EndNote.

If you see strange author entries in your finished bibliography, like the ones illustrated below, check each EndNote reference separately.

To avoid these problems:

  • Authors must be entered one name per line
  • Author names can be entered either with the family name followed by a comma and the first name (e.g. Smith, Jack F.) or the first name followed by the family name (e.g. Jack F. Smith)
  • If there are multiple entries with the same author, it is best to keep to the same author format in all the entries
    • Many databases will format authors with family name first (e.g. Smith, Jack F.), so for consistency it is recommended to enter all author names in that format
  • EndNote will automatically abbreviate first names if the style you have chosen requires it
  • If you are entering initials instead of full names, type a full stop or a space between initials (e.g. Smith, J. F.). If you enter a name like AM Smith, it will interpret AM as the first name
  • Enter all authors for a particular reference. EndNote will automatically add "et al." or include all the authors, according to the particular style you have chosen

Organisations as authors

  • Authors that are organisations need to be entered with a comma after the name, otherwise EndNote will interpret part of the name as a family name.  
  • Note that the text will appear in red if a particular author or keyword has not been used before. Once they have been used, EndNote will recognise them


First names displaying in in-text citations

Where there are multiple works in a reference list by the same author, you should make sure that each author name is entered identically in the EndNote library (copy-and-paste the author's name to make sure they are identical). If your author names are not identical, then the in-text citations will be formatted to differentiate between different individuals by displaying first names as well as surnames.